oh dear god… that may actually be it. get the swordfish ready
Oh hell no dont impliement that Drone view! the drones are already incredibly broken, especially in lower tiers, a couple of coordinated players can get a whole team wiped in minutes, if anything they should be nerfed and limited to top tier only and made easier to be shot down.
Must mean fired munitions.
UAVs aren’t op. What I find specifically annoying are the high altitude, hellfire armed UCAVs that I literally cannot exist in a flank because of.
What I want from new UI is rate of climb added to UI. Some WW2 planes and already have it in cockpit.
Would be really nice to know best angle to climb for every plane and not spent several matches basically testing what works.
is this a “Nothing here, just another Magach” Missile Carrier reference?
Some wagers are impposible to do
Austin powers reference
Lamo ngl i want this but not as even
not sure who decided to flag this as inappropriate content when it is literally a meme of 2 dogs, but whatever
hey @Schindibee is this against community guidelines?
What? I think u replied to the wrong post bud lol
ignore above, support new drone views
this is a reference to dead internet theory
- Recycling items - cringe, so you will recycle 2 useless wagers/orders into 1 useless order. Sad, i thought we would recieve booster or something
- Profiles - don’t care, you removed old player card and now you bring back old features as new
- shell stat cards - cool, but was it really needed tho?
- UAV pic in pic mode - based, cool, good addition
- minimap buttons - cool i guess…
- MFDs - ok, good
- rewards for shooting bombs - ok i guess…
- Of course F-18 because usaMAINS can’t cope with eurofighters and rafales
- new event vehicle - of course it is a copy&paste one
Yeah, if you could stop autoflagging my posts that would be great
lol sorry F-18s get me going.
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
Honestly, most wagers are practically useless.
Only the Kill, Victory and Best Squad are useful.
Others are like… “kill both the first and the last enemy players on a match”. Like- HOW IS THAT SUPPOSSED TO BE DONE!?
I have, in total, about 200+ such wagers which I refuse to even attempt.
I would rather and gladly exchange them for Warbonds, boosters, or even other types of wagers of my choice.
And don’t let me get started on Orders- those are even worse. Only Blind Hunt is good, to find time wasters in Air RB, hahah.