CM Covert Disclosures No.5: Major Update Prologue

good luck 🫡

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Watch it be another airplane with wasp engines 😂😂😂😂😂


AHEM, m48/m60 you mean (XD I’m joking)

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me want turboprops for us TT


Let me ban more than one map. Three would be nice. Six would be great. However many I want would be perfect.

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please be the Skypirate
please be the Skypirate
please be the Skypirate

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And another ship?

Why? Does anyone complain about the current stat cards? They’re perfect the way they are. Functional and informative. This just adds random shapes and bolds words for no reason.

The stat cards are fine the way they are and this is pointless unless they add new information. Just like the player card “updates” that it’s taken until next update to even “kind of” fix but will still be ultimately worse than the original.


Wasp major in TT please

Just how many millions, if not billions, of RP has this bug stolen from players? Is it safe to assume that there will be no RP compensation for such a long standing bug robbing players of RP for years?

Kudos on the PiP and MFD, those are cool tidbits. But jesus, this RP bug is years old.


God forbid we naval players get something to grind


That’s the (1927) Königsberg class cruiser which is already in game as a premium (hmm interesting tge sea trials photo nice, would explain the slight differences).

I’m calling the next event tank the Goliath bomb tank


First is this. Is there a guarantee that if I were to recycle two wagers I don’t want that game wont give me another wager.

I’m ok with the prize being random (although being able to choose would be better) but there needs to be a guarantee that if I’m trying to get rid of wagers I don’t use, I’m not going to get the same thing as the recycled item. Male sure wagers don’t produce wagers, boosters don’t produce boosters, and backups don’t produce backups. Thats going to be a must.

If this is going to be added and scout UAVs are going to be even more influential on the battlefield, we need actual rewards for destroying them in battle and their flight model is going to need a rework.

If I had a nickle for every time a stinger missle exploded on a scout UAV and it too no damage, I’d just buy my way to top tier.






Can the new profile showcases be placed side by side using the unused area to the left and right or can I only showcase one thing at a time?


finally a use for all my useless wagers

More stuff noone asked for! Scout drones were already very strong and now will be made stronger? Profile reworked for no reason and now they are bringing back some functionality to it. Even the shell statcard looks like a cluttered mess in the examples, old one being much better.


Idk how to feel about it. Since it’s random I have the fear that you just get another wager after using two


Could also be Wespe. Tho unlikely sadly.