try the ad series great plane
So given that Gaijin’s German office is in Karlsruhe, it may be one of the seven (according to Wikipedia) ships named after Karlsruhe, which doesn’t narrow it down much. Alternatively, it could be the SMS Stuttgart, the SMS Frankfurt, the SMS Strassburg, or the French battleship Strasbourg.
Actually an incredibly decent update it sounds like. Save for one thing:UAV map. Most players have responded to a poll on this forum indicating an extreme disapproval of UAV mechanics in game currently and wanting them nerfed. This seems like taking them and buffing them to an extreme. But other than this everything else seems massive, especially the RP glitch and missile/bomb interception rewards!
UAVs are hardly OP.
They give an often meh class of tank a unique feature and buff.
Theres gonna be more frequent artillery bmd players now
insane devblog ngl
Do the new stat cards for projectiles show stuff like core dimensions for rounds like APCR, APDS and APFSDS? Or is it just a re-design, no additional info?
Barely anyone did it before and probably barely anyone will do it after this change aswell
So when white rock fortress coming back?
Full reward with ZERO risk is “hardly op” to you? Knowing where every single enemy is and where they are looking isn’t op to you? Being able to kill someone 15km away with a 30mm gun isn’t op to you? Then idk what is 🤣
It doesn’t have to be 100% accurate, just like how speed, turn time, climb rate etc aren’t fully accurate, but it does give some approximation on vehicle’s performance. At the very least, we should get plane’s base weight without all the ordinance (or maybe dynamically adjusted weight for the ordinance and fuel amount?) shown on X-ray view or stat card.
Ace of Spades… Welp there goes the last remnants that’s of elite units as that’s what the spade thingy was called in the old stat card window elite units.
Hm the German office is apparently in Karlsruhe, maybe a ship named after the city?
Can’t be a 1927 Königsberg class cruiser since Karlaruhe is a premium, but could be a older Königsberg class/Karlsruhe class or a cold war frigate/ corvette (please not another Type F120 Frigate).
E, 27 not 29.
Ik its the hornet but what about the spyder?
It wants to sting cas too🥲
More frequent than before ig
Thank you very much for returning our vehicle count to our Player Profiles . . this is most excellent . . . now, about player “activity” . .
Can we expect this to return any time soon™?? It is very useful and actually essential when going over applications to the Squadron. Without this information, it is literally just rolling the dice taking in new guys, and counterproductive . . .
please and thank you in advance.
Can we expect to see something like that for missiles in the future?
Right now the stat cards are lacking, and they give you a pretty poor idea of the capabilities of a missile. Adding new info such as T/W ratio, burn time, guidance delay, and different IRCCM information would be very welcome.
Thrust to weight at max load clean is a great way to tell how an aircraft performs. And allows for all other variables to be generalized aircraft to aircraft. Thrust to weight is a huge factor in why the Rafale is so easily defeated in a typhoon currently. It’s not critically important truly, but “should not happen” is just silly. It’s a solid bit of info with no downsides of knowing.
Nah its defenitly another magach