CM Covert Disclosures No.4: Information & Q&A with War Thunder Game Director, Viacheslav Bulannikov!



Rate fights are not simply two people doing a symmetrical flat turn on the deck.

Also you are testing at 550kph which is not near any of these planes best rate speeds.

If you believe that the Su-27SM wins against the F-15E in a dogfight…I would like to see how you do it.


They are also influenced by being paid by the company.

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Yet they still say that some planes are better/worse.

Crazy how that works. Why would any company ask them to do that?

Am I the only one imagining Smin in that decal?

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I don’t have the HOTAS plugged in and won’t until after the event and after I’m done with STALKER 2, so no trim testing for me which means I have to stay below G-limits like what we have to do as pilots.
The maximum rate test is cool, but not practical.

Again, finally,

When compared to US and 1 plane in JPN/ISR, Russia is perfectly acceptable and can play the game, no questions asked.
When compared to Every other plane in Every other tree, Russia is FAR better. You see where I am getting at?
Anything compared to the US is OBVIOUSLY worse, but when you take in the context of ALL the other data, you see your point is 100% moot.

Air Rating
Israel/Japan (very minimally, literally 1 jet)




I was validating your suffering dude.

If that’s your metric for suffering then yes. We are doing fine. We have 8 great coffins to catch an AIM-120 in.

Which plane do I want to carry these >25km useful ARH’s in, that I really can’t launch until 17km, while getting blapped by an AIM-120 that locked me 5 seconds before I acquired, 10 seconds after I’ve pulled away and tried notching, oh and the R-77 stalls out before it hits the SPAMRAAMer. Gee, much fun, many option.

If you want to be competitive in ARB, you’re basically playing the 27SM or the 34, and you’re either waiting forever for a lock on the 27SM, or burning a third of your fuel post take-off notching 1-3 SPAMRAAMS. We are passively forced into flying two jets using the same play style. Clearly we aren’t suffering /s

Gripens all have a fighting chance, that really isn’t the case with the 27SM or 34 in the same playstyle/situation. J-10A has to play like a rat, but it’s an absolute knife-fighter once engaged. 27SM still has the crap FM, and the 34 is only able to gamble it’s speed once, and is still a brick with agility.

This is basically my point. On the whole, 1v1, you have a shot. I chased an F-15E yesterday in my Su-34 for almost 8 minutes, match timed out. I notched, got a good position behind terrain, and closed on him until time expired. It’s theoretically possible. The average game does not go like that. The average game is plagued by SPAMRAAM, and it’s all down to the MM to see which team knows how to notch.

At best, you’re using HOTAS, or using alternate control modes. Hopefully by the time you are lucky enough to even get into a situation where you are 1v1 with an F-15E, you remember to switch controls, have enough elevation and speed to do it, and then don’t get the jitters with your mouse and botch the whole damn thing.

The instructor on the 27’s is absolutely cooked, the FM’s are broken, and yet, if played by the absolute top 5% or less of players, maybe it’s full potential is unlocked. Funny enough, give the Flanker canards, and anyone can do the poor man’s gambit and stall for an “all in” gamble.


A bit disingenuous. There are far more factors than just having 4 vs 8-12 planes to choose from.

Welcome to how it feels to play ANY OTHER TREE against USA/Russia!!! Take your scenario, and MULTIPLY it 3x and that’s what it’s like playing the Mig29G vs the F15s/16s Su27s/SM GripenCs
i am required to fly on the deck at all times with EVERY plane in the German tree. Devs should focus efforts on bringing up the bottom 5 trees, instead of making the top 2-3 trees even better.
You cant get close to use your R-73s or dogfight, because:

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What the hell is this nonsense.

Mirage 2000-5F is BY FAR a better plane than ANYTHING russia has.
China has the J-10, the second best aircraft ingame at the moment, AND a Mirage2000-5F copy-paste.
Italy/Swe/Britain all have Gripen C with various long range missiles.

You have absolutely NO idea of what you are saying if you think the current Su-27SM is any equal to these planes.

Right now, Russia isn’t competitive at top tier. That’s a fact. Their planes are severely lacking in electronics and flight performances. And having a ton of weapons isn’t a compensation if you die before having the chance to use them.


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Can’t check the game RN but does he have any games played in Russia top tier air?


More competitive than the other trees in the game.


He only has germany top tier, and barely positive KD with his Mig29G.

He’s basically completely clueless lmao. The 2000-5F does everything the 27SM does but better. The only edge of the soviet atm are the R27ET.


Of course.

No idea why he’s even speaking to any FOX3 capable planes then.

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You brought up the F4F ICE…?

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You are further proving my point LMFAOOO

I replied to a comment where you had mentioned it.

You’re confusing me with Pesto.

Caught with your pants down?


France top tier completely blows out of the water anything russian.

Mirage 2000-5F against the SM :

Pro :
Better radar (not by a little)
Better energy retention
Better agility
Better acceleration
Better close range missiles ARH with similar total range (MICA have about 12km effective range, R77 about 15km at sea level)
About equal IRCCM missiles
Better RWR
More countermeasures, most of them being large caliber

Con :
Carry 8 missiles vs 12 for the Su-27


i’m not sure that’s a gotcha? I have a FOX 3 plane that is the worst “top tier” FOX 3 carrier…? Elaborate.
You want more FOX 3 planes for a nation that already has a bunch?
You want no more FOX 3 carriers for nations that only have 1?

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