CM Covert Disclosures No.4: Information & Q&A with War Thunder Game Director, Viacheslav Bulannikov!


I can’t get onto the game, but I do not believe you, that the TOP of the Namer, is equally as armored as the front. Please post the Xray if you can.

Bouncing off Roofs of Pantsirs, Abrams are other examples that I have personally had happen in the last week. And in each of these, the missiles do not behave at Top-Down. They are flying like a normal missile, which defeats all purpose. And this is getting off topic, to wrap up, its NOT the same as the Pantsir situation, and to even try to slide that in was sneaky and disingenuous.

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Sweet baby-Jesus. We are finally gonna see the Yamoto going up against the Iowa!

Great read and love a bit of feedback & insight from the Devs.

However, I have had a few things on mind for the past two years and if, by any miracle, we can have it looked at that will be amazing.

  1. Air RB - RCS & Radar
    Right now seems to hit and miss and still track a bunch of ghost objects on TWS and sometimes even SRC. I know a report specifically for the JS39 has been addressed, though on the same report it has been noted for multiple aircraft and to a large extent, this is still a issue. The problem crosses over to ground battles as well.

In terms of RCS it is more often than not possible to lock a missile with a much smaller RCS than the plane flying right next to it. So with RCS how much part does it play in the game code and is it looked to refine and tune in the cross sections through the game mode?

  1. Ground RB - Map Sizes & Vehicle Design and Doctrine
    We have experienced a increase shrinkage of maps in battle ratings where longer range engagements suits the vehicle design and doctrine better. That said, I also understand that not everything should be delved in large open spaces and smaller, CQC focused maps should also be in play for a change of pace. Is there any plan to bracket the maps better according to the era of vehicle in play and also to offer more varying map types without over constricting everything?

  2. Maps - Ground & Air
    Personally, I have loved the addition of Mysterious valley as it allows for terrain masking while also forcing you to push out of multipath heights to navigate the hills. Will we see more maps like these that suits the generation of vehicles in play, especially seeing that more advanced radar & weaponry is in play?

Lastly, will there be more fluidity regarding the map rotations? I personally spam W for about 4 to 8 hours a day and always having the same maps again & again becomes mundane to the player experience. For air I almost always end on Golan Heights, Vietnam, Mysterious Valley & South Easter City. It would be nice to see some more variation.

Update wise - I have been loving this recent update purely due to the game improvement and graphic improvement. One of the best changes I have seen in game <3


Quite the long text for a


Most things here are pretty good, thanks for the transparency!

I will say though, while I’m generally fine with no new major nations in the next year (especially if it means more time planning), I am worried about what that means for the validity of the leaks last month, especially in regards to the implementation of Korea. ROK and DPRK subtrees for the US and China respectively, which is what the leaks said, really isn’t the best or even good, especially considering the huge potential a United Korean Ground Forces Tech Tree has (and also its popularity!).

Hopefully they’ll still be fun if added, and I know these leaks are not hard confirmation at all, but I do worry we’ll just get like 3-4 unique North and South Korean vehicles each and that’s it.

If there are new sub trees I am happy, I still hope to see the Chilean sub tree in Israel :)

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probably gonna be for WWM or something

Yeah, there are some threads about the flight trajectories;

Instead of going up and then going down into the tops, they go up, then down… only to hit the target horizontally, xD.

This is specially bad for ground launched Spikes, but I can imagine same goes for heli launched ones and PARS.

Same goes for Hellfires, honestly.


might be like the Merkava when it was first added it was a premium/ event tank for us before the Isrial tech tree was added

Can we have Assists in the statistics? I feel like people who only play support roles can get bullied by other people for having “bad” stats when the stats they get and are maybe proud of aren’t even available for everyone to see.


Yeah they are very bad ;/ hopefully with this update we get the Tracks fix on the Namer and Puma VJTF, along with Spike fixes

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People who have the 15C, 15E, 16C and the Su-27SM. Flanker radar is #$%& in comparison and the 120 has more range then the 77 at all altitudes by a good bit. Example, 120, 30km launch at 5000 meters, mach 1.25, target co altitude, very achievable. That shot with a 77 is a Hail Mary and a half!

At the minimium

The above statement is sad

Sounds like they are using that old-era websites strategy, which you spread the data across multiple pages, so the user have to watch a lot of google ads to reads.

Again, going against wath the whole community wanted.

If you move back, you see that people previously where asking for the Profile page to be more important. The Dev team done exactly the oposite of people want.

I am havily disappointed
“The Devs” entity just confirmed that they Do Not play the game or even read what people ask in the forums.

There is not a single point in the new profile that I liked. It is clunky and it looks awful. Im not playing a mobile game. For me, they could just rollback and leave the old one. They proved they cant do better.


Q: Are there any plans to implement naval for China, Sweden and Israel in 2025?
A: No, in 2025 we plan to focus on the logical completion of Bluewater fleet trees by adding the most famous and powerful battleships. In parallel, we’ll work on the implementation of other types of ships and weapons that are not yet presented in War Thunder.


this is fantastic news for us naval players, by chance is there any news about decompression for naval? the level of power differences within 1 br is absolutely crazy, even within .3br or on the same br things are highly uneven.

if we already need more like 8.0 for top br now i worry about what happens if stuff like north carolina comes in at 7.0/7.3 and stuff like yamato comes in at 7.3-7.7. by the time we get to yamato we really are going to need a solid 9.3+ high end. (as well as more sensible battle ranges and maps that dont spawn us in sight 8-12km away from each other of course)

Is there any plans to introduce tanks only game modes?


Who would’ve thought that if you keep adding better and better planes with more and more capable air to ground ordnance and FnF helicopters yet not a single better toptier SPAA, the balance will shift in favor of aviation and helicopters?


Nothing new on M735 recalculation??

As an occasional naval player, decompression would be terrible for naval. It is already hard to get into naval matches, especially arcade or low tier. The mode doesn’t have enough players to allow for decompression at the moment.

Dont expect anything to happen really, majority that had that round got another instead.

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