I just think it is a good compromise, much better than whatever we have now. I don’t believe gajin will ever add a system where you get the tank guaranteed after opening a certain amount of boxes to SL crates, this imho is at least much more realistic.
Not everything that is luck based is immediately bad. This is not a real money gamble, so i am fine with depending on the law of averages here.
I’ve opened thousands of these and they are honestly fairly fair. I just think that i should choose what vehicles i am rolling for. Rolling itself isn’t a bad thing for me.
Another possible solution i just came up with would be some sort of item you could get for some various activities (some additional stage in current events, just like coupon upgrade maybe?) that would allow you to rerun some random old event, but converted to new score format, slightly harder and without the ability to GE the stages. You could activate it whenever you could be sure that you will have time to complete it.
This item could also be divided to some sort of rarities so that you don’t grind a lot to get a rank 2 event pop up, but rather have an option to claim this item for rank 1-2, rank 3-4, 5-6 or 7-8 with different difficulty in obtaining.
For example from next italian naval event you could get a rank 1-2 item for like 250k mission score in whole event duration, rank 3-4 for like 450k, rank 5-6 for 650k and rank 7-8 for 800k, but you could claim only 1 of them of your choice.
Then when you make sure you have a lot of time, you activate it and it randomly gives you let’s say a Tiger Tiger quest which could have a same difficulty like current rank 7-8 ground events, without ability to skip for GE
This is an idea i came up with within like last 10 minutes, so it’s obviously imperfect, but you would be guaranteed to get the old event vehicle, it would limit down the distribution and at the same time wouldn’t put on you as much pressure as normal events do, since you could activate it whenever you want.
It could also have a system that would prevent you from getting events for duplicates, but that’s optional