Cluster Bombs

Among the various innovations still missing fragmentation/cluster bombs is interesting.

For instance I refer to the BL755 cluster bomb, that is one of the most famous and widespread, but most nations involved in the game have had or still use similar weapons.

Obviously, since this is a game, I would set aside the ethical considerations that have led many countries to ban these types of weapons, given that we’re talking about pixels and that tactical nuclear weapons are already present in the game. Besides bombs, there are also various submunition devices like the MW-1 or the JP233, which could add some value to the Tornado IDS in the game for Italy and Germany (MW-1) and the UK (JP233). I’m not familiar with the Soviet equivalents, but I believe they exist, and the mentioned weapons are just examples.

Additionally, for medium to high BRs, it might be possible to replace the current HE artillery support with cluster artillery shell munitions as a further researchable module, leaving World War II-style artillery to the lower BRs. This would be an innovation in the game to break the monotony and introduce new weapons.


I’d love to see them too, but maybe they’d be overly powerful especially in Ground battles.


They are dumb bombs, requiring flyover or approach to the target and thus engagements not much different from regular bombs. Sure, the ground damage effect would be greater, but in the end, I wouldn’t see major issues compared to the weapons currently in game; they can always be nerfed.

Regarding artillery, they are currently used munitions, so it is something to consider, especially at top tier.

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Cluster munitions will be slightly OP. For example one M864 consist 88 dual purpose submunition which can penetrate 70mm of armor. It’s enough to penetrate roof of almost every MBT in game.

I am aware of the high potential of these weapons, but they are currently used weapons. They would introduce new scenarios, and then they could either be nerfed or the option to use artillery support could be given only after reaching a certain number of points in-game. There are many ways to balance the impact. Like everything, there are pros and cons, but I really like the idea. There is always a rush to introduce new models of tanks or planes, whereas new types of weapons (such as cluster bombs, anti-radar missiles, etc.) could be introduced to liven up the game. I would prefer patches where, instead of the usual upward climb of vehicles, the game’s issues were fixed, and new dynamics were introduced.


They wouldn’t. Cluster bombs performed worse than standard bombs. They’re only around 10 kg more than the 10kg bombs on the He-51. Which isn’t much. If buildings in most maps could be destroyed then they would be overpowered since these and firebombs would level an entire map. If the physics worked like this however given it doesn’t their gonna perform pretty much similarly to a 250 at best. If the person is experienced.

Inallready suggested the SD 4 HL in AB 250 (40x) and AB 500 (72x)
They have 130mm/30° pen and 0,31kg Hexotol 50 an 7g Pent filler. They split out of the Container 0,7-1,2 sec after release on a range (depending on height) of 30-50/30-50m.
They would certainly be fun against bigger groups and smaller targets.
As well as propably more reliable than the SC50, or at least easier to use for new players.


Mines and cluster bombs is just more frustration.Do we need that in this game? So much stands in the way of just getting out there and having fun in tanks.So much baggage attached to what should be a fun simple shooter.

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Who ever claimed it should be a fun simple shooter?

Yes, it’ not DCS, but it still strives to have a certain complexity and completeness, and for that sake clusters would be a good addition.


It is certainly nothing more at present and any tactical side there may have been has recently been eradicated by the removal of cover and reworking of maps.You even made fences impenetrable in Cargo port ,although I assume thats a bug.

Please by all means tell us all exactly where you are all at with this game in GRB because I sure as hell dont don’t know anymore.

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Totally agree.

Agree even more.

This would made sense if gaijin would consider the possibility to put an airfield out of the match - even just for 5 minutes (= no repairing or rearming) or by permanently damaging the runway - so a plane has to land between craters and / or could not take off when the end of the runway (=respawning area) looks like a Swiss cheese…

If they could spice such airfield runway with time fuzes on the sub-munition there might be surprises possible.

Yeah - imho the sole reason why they haven’t implemented SD 4 (HL) is that there was no allied equivalent - the sole exception was the USSR PTAB 1.5-2.5. You find almost nothing in books about them - at least not books citing German primary sources which confirmed any noticable effect vs German armor - despite they dropped allegedly > 10 millions of them.

I see your point, but at least for the WW 2 era wt is a joke - the initial reason to use cluster ammunition vs tanks was the missing precision with cannons and bombs. Bombs & cannons were simply not effective as the average pilot was unable to hit a tank in the first place - they had no 3rd person view and mouse aim.


Rockeye would perform more than well.

I can see this an air related OP but Schindibee mentioned ground and I am thinking “No thankyou”
WW2 WT has become a joke and I dont need to be trundling around in an unmodded Ferdinand with 60s fast tanks darting around and suddenly hit a mine or a cluster bomb dropped from the air when the game is already over before I get there as it is.Might be fine to lay some mines in ARB for bots but not in GRB if that is what was meant.

And people wonder why there is ODL and players leaving.I wish the Gaijin people would think of things from a players perspective before changing the game.To much short thinking ignoring the long term and repercussions.Like putting a big V8 in your car without up rating the breaks.


I feel like it would lead to friendly-fire problem in GRB considering each cluster bombs has even bigger area of effect than FAB-5000 and one aircraft could carry a dozen of them but I might be bias since I have trust issue against friendly PE-8.

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Would mines and cluster bombs be visible in GRB? Or would your tracks just suddenly drop off because that would be fun wouldn’t it?

I do feel it’s a fine addition for ARB tho since it’s a proper weapon to delete bot collumn in air interdiction but I dread anyone trying to CAS with them.

Honestly, i could actually see a future where there is a division of armament/munitions for arcade/realistic and Sim. where much more “game/balance-breaking” munitions could exist in sim and not in realistic or arcade.

Like introducing cluster or glide bombs for base bombing in air sim.

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ahhhhh yes, 'merica bombs right here. +1

But not all nations habe Incendary bombs, so
I still hope we will see them someday (the earler the better).
Alone the thought of the metal rain is nice.

Just want the runway denial rubbish Tornados were armed with. We have mig eater livery, but not the ability to eat migs in an accurate manner.