Chonology of vehicles (spreadsheet)

Hi everyone,

Never used the forums before, so not sure this is the right place for this. Let me know.

I’ve always been fascinated when vehicles actually existed and which could’ve faced which irl instead of by the game’s Br.
So the past couple months I’ve set up a spreadsheet with all War Thunder vehicles (minus a couple skin versions of vehicles and a couple that really never existed) in chronological order of their construction years.
It’s a best effort with online sources, I didn’t jump into the mountains of books and whatnot, so there is some uncertainties (and inaccuracies no doubt).

Br mentioned at the vehicles is RB.

All vehicle types are in there, up to Update 2.41 “Firebirds”.
Some Br’s might be off since the update, I added the new vehicles but I haven’t gone over all the Br changes.


Well done! It’s a nice and fully complete database for sure. But I would suggest changing this post over to the Machinery of War Discussion .

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Thanks for the suggestion, moved it!

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Updated with 2.43 “Storm Warning”

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