Chinese MBTs should get guns holder as Russian T-90M

This things are always very talked and requested by chinese many many times.Due to gaijin lazy work on all chinese mbts,there are many protections get deleted and nerfed.Especially at gun place.China gun part is very big,and very empty,you can shoot it easily through ,not like russian mbts always covered well by armors.Chinese mbts gun place model is so lacked parts that you can even see gunners through these big holes.A very important thing is lacking guns holder like T-90M.Chinese mbts is clearly owning guns holders around gun and between the gun and armor,there is 2 hole to put the gun holder clearly,which are not like Russian mbts.And gaijin just dont even make any model for it.while this things do nerfs chinese gun part proection nearly 100mm.That is also why russian mbts gun parts are much more protective and magic while chinese gun is easy to shoot in…Sadage.

Chinese mbts are worse protected than russian mbts,that is the fact.And its side have no any ERAs,while in reality they have,gaijin just dont give them or deny these issue reports with LACK DOCUMENTS even we chinese already give tons of reality pictrues of side ERAs or Top ERAs…And its weakest apfsds and slowest reload make chinese mbts never have a chance to shoot 2nd shells when get hit, and sad thing is most time gun parts can easily be shoot through by any 300MM,so you dont need to be sad about cant shoot 2nd shells out,since in first hit you already died becase chinese mbts gun shootin can easily take 2 crews died…and kill you.SOMEtimes even magic unbelievely chinese mbts gun 200mm places can got shoot through by a 12.7mm machinegun shells…its models are all very nerfed wrong and lack a lot of things,and not like other lack gun holders mbts like t80bvm,Chinese gun parts is very huge,and empty asf,t80bvm or other russian mbts gun parts are full with armor around very nearly no empty places which can allow you see gunner through this big fking as hole like every one top tier chinese mbts .Gaijin should fix this issue,i mean,add gun holders like T-90M to make chinese mbts not that suffer as hell to play or easy to be one shoot kill.
Again,annoying english and italian if you think your mbts is garbage than chinese mbts,you can write your articles yourself,rather than shiting on my chinese issue articles.


All mantlets are artificially nerfed, don’t try to claim it’s some chinese-unique problem. The game just wouldn’t be fun if every tank was impenitrable whilst hull-down. Go complain to the chinese engineers for making their gun mantlets so big.

Opinion immediately discarded. Someone who believes the ZTZs are worse than the Ariete doesn’t deserve the right to hold an opinion. They’ve already demonstrated their utter incompetence when it comes to forming an actual opinion based on the data we have at hand.

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If you genuinely think China has the worst top tier mbts you have a massive skill issue. Though you are correct that Gaijin needs to fix some vehicles that can be penetrated by machine guns.

Could argue that for most nations, armor values are classified and gaijin does a lot of estimation for them.

This is embarrassing… all tanks in the game have weakspots at the breach because it wouldn’t be fun fighting something you can’t penetrate hull-down. Be greatful the weakspot isn’t the entire tank like the ariete. Not to mention there is more to performance than armor values so there is no reason to have a tantrum over the breach having a large air gap.

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Break some paragraphs and use “Hide” feature to short this post with that much images for the sake.

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I mean… It’s not specifically a Chinese issue, but it still should be fixed. There’s more than enough actual weak spots on modern tanks. Turret rings, LFPs, most of the side and rear protection, sometimes other more specific places. There’s no need to make mantlets artificially weaker.

If anything if tanks would take more hits across the board (since this does affect most, if not all, nations) gameplay would be a lot more interesting and dynamic than “He who clicks first wins”

This quote just annoys me. Larger mantlets found on some tanks are only large because in reality they incorporate a lot more protection than they do in game. It’s not the engineers fault some video game decides to disregard their hard work. But even besides that, Chinese mantlets aren’t too big, just badly modelled.

For example, this piece here on the ZTZ99A is 50mm, visually it’s about 50mm thick steel wrapped around the barrel

But if I hit it on the edge, which happens to be frontally that should obviously be more, yet…

That’s just defying any sense of logic, but could easily be fixed by making it a volumetric piece.

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people think ztz99a is better than c1,while you never play chinese mbts.i have played 5000 chinese mbts games,and 500 italian c1 and 500 lerc2 and 500 m1a2 and 500 leo2,most people think chinese mbts are good,they always not even grind china line to 5.7br.

even with so long articles.i still cant stop italian crying robots spamming in my every chinese bugs articles.sad.Maybe next time i should write it with chinese,since poorly italian child cant read chinese so cant spamming and crying c1 is the world worst mbt in every chinese

Wouldn’t change much because of how bad your English is. It’s completely unreadable. Keep crying though, I’m having quite fun watching your meltdown!

Topic heavily derailed, closed.