Chinese crotale

the only way to have both search and track radars on the “same vehicle” would be something like this:
to have the towed vehicle towed by the radar vehicle


alternative is to have 8 launchers like this:


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the chassis seems different on the army version…

He never said he wants search radar for tracking. Search radar is really a big deal in top tier battles. This thing has way too long range missiles for 10.3 but it will also suffer at higher BR than 10.3 because of the lack of search radar.

same as the Pakistani one.

Missiles might be different since it has different canister.

I understand now. The Strela is suffering as well so I think I’m fine. :)

this is called HQ-7A by

and this is called HQ-7B (improvement of 7A)

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Chinese one is like the mix of both. So it’s really hard to say which one is what variant.

how is it a mix?

Telar vehicle from HQ-7A and new canister from HQ-7B

canister seems the same on both models to me lol, my eyes be letting me down

Canister shape probably doesn’t mean anything 😁

Every missile fired from every HQ-7 variant looks same to me.

i recently found out that pakistan has both the original Crotale from France and the Chinese FM-90. the crotale is the old version but the FM-90 is the new and improved one with around 20km range (although tbh i couldve mistook radar range for missile range but its unlikely)

Pakistani crotale

Pakistani FM-90

Someone told me China bought the older crotale and the missiles of HQ-7 are same as the older crotale variant.

yeah pakistan gave the crotale to china and they reverse engineered it lol

actually SA gave them

oh then ig we both did lol.
no doubt it was a part of a deal to have the chinese give us FM-90s and eventually improve them

btw shouldn’t the crotale have its own radar? or is that only present in newer ones?