And the pl21
Aren’t the so-called PL-21 is PL-17?
It’s a shorter version designed to go into the j35’s missile bay.
Never heard, it’s missile bay is designed for PL-15.
Any sources? I mean, not English second-hand sources.
I can’t believe there’s still many people believe Baidi-B, which be introduced at the booth of AVIC Cultural and creative products, is a real gen 6 fighter, and Wikipedia listed Chonma-2 Mod. 2024 as Tianma-2(lit. Chonma-2 in Chinese)…
Only what’s been said here on these forums, but there’s a color code to that chart and orange means dubious so it has a place either way.
The only PL-21 I know is this Chinese Meteor, which is not in service, and possibly canceled long ago.
is PL-12B/C/D a real thing? PL-12D seems to have ram jet like motor.
this should be a very old pic about Chinese Fox3’s future development, you can see the time is started by “planned”, I guess most of them didn’t survive.
likely options they explored but ramjet is too big for J20s so given up. Dual pulse probably made them look a bit pointless.
Since the PL-8B has been placed on the leak lists (I suppose we’ll find out tomorrow) I’m hoping they can finally fix the PL-8 model.
It’s really funny that the PL-8 literally says PL-8B on the side.
considering they are currently the same we might have the same situation as last time, only change for live server so we never know
Can we expect PL-17 to come in this update?
Only plane that can carry it that’s in game right now is the jh7a, so no
PL-17 was present in the J11B’s datamined loadout
just added for fun I guess
what are you saying?, the pl17 has been seen in j16 and other fighters, dont know where you got your information
As said above by Aquile, the J-16 could carry them
Allegedly J-20 too, but only externally (take the image with a grain of salt tho until actual confirmation)
I said in game right now, the j16 isn’t in game
Neither of those are in game right now