Do u have the website? Also this seems to be someone’s Master’s degree paper lol.
I don’t, which is why I posted it here hoping someone might have a better idea of where to find thism I can read it but I can’t find the source see
Someone had it and showcased it on one of the update rumor discussions a month or two ago on the forums.
Would you mind linking it? I’m not active often on the forums
I’ll see if I can find it, I unfortunately don’t have it saved.
That would be most helpful, because the booster upgrade makes a huge difference and brings it a lot closer to the Python 4 than it would otherwise be.
might be worth checking the sources of that thesis/degree paper
I can’t get on the website (cnki) I might look for this on some sort of academic platform.
I’m on the website now, but issue is, I need the title of document rather than this which only has chapter title. I am looking for anything missile related now.
Near identical. Still, good addition.
Yes. I guess PL-8B will have similar range or more range.
PLAAF and PLANAF aircraft not operated of PL-9 & PL-9C
PL-8B flare resistant higher PL-8.
But same AIM-9M & AAM-3 ?
Check this out, in game files of PL8B is actually insanely quick.
R-27T if it was good
R-27T was built in the early 80s idk why it’s being compared to a 2000s missile
So much bigger as well, but similar speed I guess is where the comparison comes from. Could be just a more manoeuvrable version with IRCCM. Might be quite nice actually considering the range.
The acceleration of the PL-8 to begin with was one of the bonus’s. Of course, all AIM-9L and other non-IRCCM missiles are already considerably underperforming in-game so the jump to IRCCM seems more noticeable than it should.
It’s a joke about about the PL-8B being fast, not any sort of serious comparison
Find it, it’s 某空空导弹固体火箭发动机改进设计及试验研究
I searched its chapter headings and somehow it works, I don’t know how it can recognize scanned files.
Nice, I was getting worried because I couldn’t find the posted document on the forums, I swear it was on here a while ago.