Chinese Air Suggestion to Do list and Discussion

What about Z-9D for navy?
Also I think there is also an armed Z-20 version for the army (Z-20W?).

I saw a picture show Mi-171Sh from PLAAF have the ability to use TY-90
Also the Ka-52 haven’t corrected by any official sources so i think it’s better to remove it

8 × ty-90 with only dumb rockets and bombs would be kinda bad so i lwft it out

Must more than 8x, at least 16x i think
and it have access to 23mm gunpod
might be a good choice to be a medium tier AA vehicle with UH spawn point to allow spawn AKD/Hellfire carriers


it can carry them, yes

Only the central pylons are wired for it

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I forget the image…… and finally found it here

Alright, Final Form is here, gonna be compiling another thread for this

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What is the blue icon means? Green is UH and yellow is AH but i dont know what’s blue one here (it’s PT in game)
and Helix must be a NATO code so remove it :)

I put it for Maratime Patrol Helicopter

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Anyone know if the Ka-28 in PLANAF has any external weapons?

does anyone have any photos of the Z-8JH armed? i have one but there may be more.

Z-8J:Yeah maybe this one is the picture you have
Z:8JH: Well, you dont want to equip weapon on a rescue helicopter with red cross, right?

According to 2 of the sources i got that image is a Z-8JH that’s for patrolling the Indian sea

AFAIK Z-8JH is the medical rescue varient of maritime Z-8J and only equiped on these medical ships
So maybe the source you find said Z-8JH is the whole name of Z-8J but ignored normal Z-8JA

do you know if any Z-8 models mount torpedoes or Anti Ship Missles?

Alright i got 3 Helicopter suggestions pending, might do Bo-105 later and potentially MD 500

The suggestion gods have blessed me

lol never seen so many Chinese suggestions in a single day

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the list grows ever smaller, although i am expanding the countries that i make suggestions for, i will still keep up to date on this thread.

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