Chinese Air Suggestion to Do list and Discussion

Any newer versions of the Q-5s they can add?

Q5L and Q5M were the last variants AFAIK

Q5L being a entire new variant while Q5M was other varaints being modernized to Q5L

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Capability-wise, Q-5L is already the most advanced version. They just need to give it AA missiles and countermeasures. Then the gap between it and JH-7A can be filled by plain JH-7.

JH-7 doesn’t have CCIP, although it does still have GBU’s

Recently it received Turkish LGBs.

You want an interesting boat to make a suggestion for


The prop list is getting shorter

I’m going to eventually make a expanded PLA/ROC Helicopter tech tree thread here soon, and the Helicopter parts will be moved there.

here’s what i got so far, it may have some errors

Line 1 - ROC

Line 2 - PLA

Line 3 - Naval

Z-11WB GE Premuim

Z-10K Squadron

MD 500MD Event

(Missing some things in the current tt)

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Please do not advocate for more 7.X rocket “reserve” helis. They add nothing to the tree and only serve to make researching more tedious.

We don’t need every single possible vehicle in the game, especially when they both suck and aren’t interesting or funny.


While i do agree, both are the first armed helicopters of there nation.

I can make is so that Gazelle is a reserve and the Z-5 is an optional researchable, but UH-1H is the viable starter for ROC line.

Anyway i will keep this in mind

For Z-10 and Z10ME, you can both make early and late variants for them.
For navy, you can add Ka-52K as supposedly it was considered by PLA to use on their LHDs.

Here is the last one i worked on

What about Z-9D for navy?
Also I think there is also an armed Z-20 version for the army (Z-20W?).

I saw a picture show Mi-171Sh from PLAAF have the ability to use TY-90
Also the Ka-52 haven’t corrected by any official sources so i think it’s better to remove it

8 × ty-90 with only dumb rockets and bombs would be kinda bad so i lwft it out

Must more than 8x, at least 16x i think
and it have access to 23mm gunpod
might be a good choice to be a medium tier AA vehicle with UH spawn point to allow spawn AKD/Hellfire carriers


it can carry them, yes

Only the central pylons are wired for it

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