Hello first
This update almost all countries got new ground support aircraft or at least new weapons for the aircraft available to these countries but China as far as I know did not get almost anything other than artillery so is there something missing or in the files for any new bombs or anti-tank missiles like kd-88 or anything
Thank you and sorry for any mistakes in writing as I use a translation program as English is not my mother tongue
Last update china got
Which is still most then other nations, You can’t always expect something new always. But currently i don’t believe so. ( My view. I don’t hold update information so it can change)
Thanks for the reply. The idea is that this update is clearly focused on ground support, and this included almost all countries, either with new weapons or even new aircraft, but something like the JH-7A aircraft did not get anything, so I really hope that something like the KD-88 will be added, or even that you can carry 4 of the KH-29.
over all thx and Have a nice day
Thank you for your answer, sir. However, the Chinese player community has been discussing when we can obtain our own ground missiles. We are pleased to see more modern Chinese aircraft appearing in the game. We understand that more of China’s own ground missiles will take time, but everyone is indeed anxious. We hope you can understand
2025. 2.28
I want to correct my mistake. In fact, at least CM704 can be equipped with PLAAF. CM704 was showcased together with J10B at the Zhuhai Airshow to prove that CM704 can be used by PLAAF at any time. However, because there is currently no war risk on land, such air to ground missiles are rarely deployed in various exercises
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I don’t think anything was data-mined, If you want a clear answer for data mine stuff or for what’s coming there’s lots of people over in this thread Major update who will be able to tell you if anything new is coming. Might be worth asking in there.
I don’t get a chance to look over everything new that comes in data mines :D
I understand completly dw :)
The biggest problem now is the lack of suitable ammunition. When PLAAF has a demand for fixed wing aircraft anti tank, we do not have enough technology to develop ammunition such as AGM65 or KH2925. After acquiring sufficient technology, PLAAF no longer had anti tank requirements and instead developed various anti-ship missiles. As for later multi-functional general-purpose ammunition such as KD88, they were too advanced to join the game. We don’t have many suitable options, and China also has AGM65 like ground missiles like CM704C701 for foreign trade, but they are not actually equipped on PLAAF’s own aircraft because there is no demand.
But you know, the U.S. has acquired a large number of aircraft in addition to normal ground vehicles, and China can come up with no less suitable solutions than the U.S. So after entering modern combat, the launch of Chinese aircraft is clearly relatively slow
China is at the two extremes in CAS, too advanced and almost not at the same time, and that’s what annoys Chinese players now - when will the AGM65 and KH29 analogues arrive?
I think the issue mainly is I am thinking more about domestic vehicles, but meanwhile things like JH7A has only Russian missiles to operate with, which I think maybe more domestic option might be added. I understand they take time but I think this is what the players really want rather than another Mirage which has no CAS at all, and especially during the airshow starting next Tuesday we will see a few more A to G missiles. (hopefully)
C-701 and C-802 have passed for J-10A and JF-17, so it’s not no choice.
I’m against add more advenced IR seeker AGM to JH-7A, it’s suitable at it’s br, if it gets, it’s br will rise and new gap will be created. J-10A and JF-17 receive new missiles is fine at higher br.
JH7A should be buff,or gaijin should give China a new CAS,
I really hope so
it’s good enough, the best can do is add 2 more KH-29, or add IRCCM AAM, which wil not affect it’s br. otherwise, new gap will be created.
Additionally, PLAAF has only purchased the KH29T with the Su30 and has not purchased the basic KH29T
Although not very clear, the word ‘kh29te’ on the side of the missile should be recognizable
isnt kd88 like kh38 on steroids
Welcome to minor nation status. You are never guaranteed something every update unless you are US or USSR.
Though as a quick reminder, this update last year “Kings of Battle” China was 1 of 3 nations that got any aircraft at all:
This time last year, Britain had gotten nothing in the June update, a C&P FRS1 in the September update and then nothing in October Update (for air).
China is rather solid at the moment with recent 2x ARH carriers last major update and a really clear addition path for native aircraft like the J-11B, J-10B or J-15. Britain… No idea what we will be getting if anything in December and this update. Despite getting the GR4 which is a great addition dont get me wrong… is tarnished by being artificially limited to be one of the weakest CAS at top tier.
So Can always be worse
in game will be same as kh-38
Honestly, the new ground seems ok. I like the Scimitar but really Britain is pretty bland. Time to have our 4th Tornado and nothing else.
I dont play ground much these days but yeah, at long last we have scimmie.
I dont mind the GR4 as an addition. Im a mud mover at heart in Sim, but really disappointed by its loadout among a number of other issues with it. I hope it gets some pretty major buffs/fixes or a minor BR drop.
Most disappointed with Naval, HMS Repulse was a let donw after being promised a new Rank VI ship a few months ago. The hope was for something better or equal to Hood, not a straight downgrade over all of our 7.0 ships
The JH-7A can at least carry 4 of the KH-29 missiles, even the type it carries does not have, it did not even buy the basic version of this missile, but the modified version is KH-29TE, but this error has not been corrected for a year and its fix is really very easy, as the missile is present in the game and is almost the same 3D model, there is a difference in its numbers, but you are right