China P51 Parade camouflage

During the 1949 Chinese military parade, 9 P51 fighter jets flew over the sky.
Different from the ROC coating in the game.
These P51 are printed with PLA badges and are overall white. The nose and tail wings are painted with decorative red paint.
As an important historical event, I believe that this camouflage has special significance.
So I suggest adding it to the game. as a camouflage that can be unlocked


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+1, the skin has been in the game files for years alongside other Communist China aircraft skin, although it isn’t available for players to use. It would be really easy for Gaijin to implement it.

The image above is from a thread on the old forum, where the OP also posted other Chinese aircraft camouflage hidden in the game files.
Here’s the link: The China planes and skins in CDK. - China - War Thunder - Official Forum


f , it seems they have been forgotten

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I’d really like to see this, it’s one of many things that more or less languish in the files. +1

Anyone else having issues trying to load in the images in that link?

Yes, currently I also cannot see the images. This was not the case when I opened it few months ago