China Norinco VT series MBTs, History, Performance & Discussion

Btw why are you comparing Al Khalid hull to VT-4? I know MBT2000/AL khalid has same hull as VT-4 but there could be some differences

at that time, I didn’t think too much about it, anyway they were all the same(volume).perhaps only the filling material is different

Which is why we can’t really use this as a source for bug reports, mods wont accept it. However you can use the pictures of actual vt-4 hull. That should make your bug report more believable to the devs.

Some pictures of VT4 armor


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sadly this hull is already painted, we need to waiting for more detailed img

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I have created some pictures based on people’s ideas. I really hope that Chinese tank designers will adopt these suggestions.
especially VT4, its NERA area is very large. but ERA only covers a small part of it.

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I think chinese engineers avoided LFP ERA because in reality rarely anything would hit that area. Also the ERAs might get damaged while moving through rough terrain.

Btw when will the Zhuhai airshow start?

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maybe they just think it’s not important/haven’t taken this issue seriously.
these ERA do not even cover 1/2 of the VT4 hull armor.

It seems to be from 11.12 to 11.17. I searched on the browser.
perhaps we can try submitting this suggestion to them at the Zhuhai Airshow?

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Well you are right but if we look at the Ukraine war, there was only a handful of tank vs tank engagement and it seemed like they didn’t care for weak spots. They just shot wherever they could aim.
IRL its harder to aim at weakspots, so those small ERA gaps dont matter.


yea, but I still hope it can become better.

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it’s just crazy
you should understand the game is game, irl is irl. what suit the game may not suit irl, the converse as well

this is just a row of ERAs. I haven’t added much. It doesn’t even affect the weight. this is not crazy.
I just think should make full use of those composite armor. this is a small, simple change.
If according to your idea, this photo is even crazier.


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Would that even be possible, that they would listen to the suggestion?

I don’t know, but there shouldn’t be any difficulty in implementing these.

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Looks much smaller than in game. In game Chinese tanks are quite large despite originating from the T-72. Wonder if the models are actually off dimensionally and are actually indeed larger than they should be.

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I wonder if we could ever get the external side fuel tanks modeled for other tanks and not just the VT-4.

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Can any other chinese tanks use this APS?

Could be wrong, but looks like ZLT11 (at least it the same turret by the looks).

Besides, it isnt APS, it “just” a jammer sweep

did you know if the ZLT 11 can shoot the BTA2 (DTC02-105), they both have a 105 rifle barrel with the ZTQ-15

It’s definitely a ZTL 11