@OddPhenomena may I ask where you found the documents about the Type 15’s suspension?
Also can anyone translate the Chinese on these two pics?

@OddPhenomena may I ask where you found the documents about the Type 15’s suspension?
Also can anyone translate the Chinese on these two pics?
machine translation
The first picture: Controllable vane shock absorber and its principle 1-Proportional valves 2-clapboard
3-Through-holes 4-Housing (enclosure?) 5-Equalizing holes 6-blade
The second picture: Semi-active suspension controller, (It doesn’t seem to need a translation because there is a translation underneath the text)
Thanks for the help!
Oh, by the way, the Type 15 and VT-5 are on the same platform, but they are not positioned in the same position. The Type 15 is a light tank and the VT-5 is a light MBT.
I understand that they are technically sold for different purposes, but given how many systems they share between one another, info on one can potentially be used as evidence for the other as well, hints why Im keeping it all together
Potential info on the transmission but I can’t get any hard stats from the last image as it’s to blury and need help with translations once more. We only care about the CH700 as it’s the transmission used on the VT-5 and Type 15
I found both of these images from this thread: ZTQ-15 and PRC Light Tanks | Page 116 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military Forum
So maybe someone could log in and get a better quality pic of the image
Thank you! ❤️
Now I just need some one who is willing and able to translate all the important info regarding the CH700 transmission
I also whish I could find the actual soruces that these images came from, otherwise they won’t be of much use in a bug report
This is the site I use to get a rough English translation. it does a good enough job and then I can key in certain bits of information and send those to multiple text translators to get a better idea what they are saying.
Second document is saying the CH series transmissions have 6 forward gears and 3 reverse gears. Any idea if this also includes the CH1000B everyone was arguing about for the VT-4A1?
Thai document already proved that the VT-4 only has 2 reverse gears with a mex reverse speed of 17.5 Km/h
With the info from these docs tho we could in theory put together an actual reverse speed for the VT-5, but I would really like to know where these docs came from in the first place, so as to actually have a proper link to the source, do you think you could ask the original poster of these docs where they got them from? I can’t seem to get a reverse image search to work on these
What page on the Thai document? Do you have a link to it that still works, I only have a machine translated copy of it. I saw it has 2 reverse positions in the shifter but that might not be how many actual gears it has.
I made a reply asking him for the sources, he was last seen yesterday so hopefully he still has them.
You can read this report to see how we figured out the reverse speed, and I think do to fears around the nature of the document and the fact that people didn’t want it to spread more, some people decided to personally delete links they had left, but it was never officially an issue.
Hmmmm I think we might have a decent chance to get better reverse speed. A commenter pointed out in the bug report that R1 and R2 doesn’t mean it only has 2 gears just like D doesn’t mean it has 1 forward gear. I think if we can get the documents you are asking about that would be able to prove the CH1000, and all the CH series has 3 gears in reverse.
@何で春日影やったの with the information we have gathered about the VT-5’s transmission, do you think you could calculate the maximum reverse speed of the tank?
It seems the Pakistan version of VT-4 also have around -16.5km/h reverse speed:
I don’t know if this means the gear ratio of CH1000B are different from the rest of CH series.
That’s also the Domestic version built for Pakistan, and I think some parts atleast are built domestically to, but the fact that there close seems to add up.
I think Pakistan’s domestic version uses a Pakistani made gun and domestic ERA. Apart from that it’s same as the VT-4A1
VT4 should drop to 10.0!