Chieftain Mark 11

I could see them getting pissed over the use of tolerances rather than measures thickness of real vehicles, gaijin are gonna gaijin

I think it will get passed, but may just rot for years like the Chally 2 bug reports.

On another note, should the join between LFP and UFP on the Cheiftains not be a lot thicker ingame, as it is two relatively thick plates meeting and therefore it should be essentially both combined.


Sort of like that, as the plate overlap, and it should therefore not just be 100mm

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Not technically this just a joint. The upper cast gets placed onto the lower plate and from there what likely happens is they grove weld the entire joint.

We can observe that there are actually 6 cutout slot and grove type joints that connect the upper sides to the upper cast section. On the Cast inspection sheet.

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From the diagram it seems like the LFP slots into the UFP, maybe im misunderstanding it

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No that is correct. It doesn’t increase thickness though just makes it stronger and allows it to maintain its line of sight thickness until meeting the lower plate.
The upper cast overhangs a little from the lower plate.

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Looking at it again yeah that makes sense


Yes otherwise you get the T55 joint that needs a stupid amount of weldment to get the required strength and thickness.

This is a T-34 but it’s the same fit up. To make it full thickness and strong you need to bevel the interior section of the plate and fully weld that until flush.
The Russians didn’t seem to understand this and therefore welds break as they so famously have on many Russian tanks.


Does the 11 not sport new optics as well?

In all honesty the thermals and l23a1 combo is enough to warrant 9.7 in the eyes of gaijin.

Seeing as you brought up shir two, the l15a5 is wrong and should really no have access to l23/a1

So if l15A5 was made to be closer to what it should be then maybe could remove the l23.

I refuse to use the l23 with shir two out of the principle of it.

But yeah id lov3 to see more chieftains in the game tbh even if one was a premium, seeing as theres a plethora of them

It gets what the Chally 1 gets optics wise

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I’d be fine seeing the Shir 2 lose its L23 if L15A5 was buffed

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It would be nice if we got the Cheiftain 900 as well, im not sure whats its armour would be like but it should be an upgrade over the other cheiftains

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Me as well sir. Me as well.

Im waiting on national archives and a book coming to try make an accurate report on it.

Im absolutely certain the L15A3 round was used rarely compared to 15A5 and the fact is before even cr1 was thought of.
The chieftain was slated to penetrate the UFP of the t64 at around 2000 meters (while t64 could penetrate chieftain UFP at 2400 meters)

Hence the need for the upgrade to mbt80 then subsequently the cr1.

As per the bovington tank museums tank chats on chieftain

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Tbh that could he a nice foldered vehicle, or slip in at 9.7 after chief 10 and hopefully 11.

Or a 9.7 premium.

Hell could be a 10.0 squadron with the chance of l23a1 thermals anf the dorchester

So it would get magnifications then.