Chengdu J-10, History, Performance & Discussion

Frankly despite me loving this plane i have no idea in hell how many flares any of the variants have LMAO

80 I think. it’s usually covered by panel but I managed to find 1 uncovered picture.


Not the A variant, but it still should get countermeasure pods on both sides. Can’t quite tell how many, it looks like either a 5 x 5 or a 6 x 5 configuration per pod. So between 100 to 120 flares total. Doesn’t look like the Type 941 pods either, so they should be high caliber flares.


The picture posted by @NCC105 is much clearer. It shows a 5x4 arrangement with 4 potential containers, 2 on each side, for a total of 80

J-10C i think

That looks like it could be large caliber CMs, 9 per container. Would be nice if they ever let us decide whether we want more small CMs or less large

Seemed clear to me ^^"
1st missiles would be the inner pylon ones, then External ones, to end up with dual pylon ones.

But yeah,… the minor mistakes kills aircraft and loadout.

Yep, I miscounted.

Small flare pods count at 18, middle top and bottom are pod mounts thus only 18 per pod. Total of 72 small caliber flares, or 18 large caliber and 36 small caliber flares… Awfully low amounts seeming how it’ll be 12.7+


intake mounted hardpoints only for 250kg bombs and pods, but not sure if guided bomb can be mounted. Usually J-10 needs fuel tanks in inner hardpoint for patrol mission. And some sources say that launch missile in inner pylon will cause the engine inhaling missile’s exhaust gas, not that harmful but it’s better to avoid, to save some work. and you can see guided bombs or Anti-ship missiles in inner pylon, so theoretically, it can use missiles in inner pylon.

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It is possible for wing tip mounted PL8 as seen from J11B, it simply needs a modification of the wing tip to be L shaped to allow PL8. It is possible for PL12 on the bottom, since you can do similar things on J11A. However I do agree it is photoshot and the real position for loadouts should be where the extra fuel tank is.

IDK, the engine is still russian AL series? as the colour suggest, since most chinese domestic ones are bright silver.

From my knowledge all J10C have WS-10 engines…

For reference; WS-10 (left) - AL-31F (right)

J-10C with AL-31F:


Not all the time, no

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I guess it must be the first few batches of J-10Cs that kept the AL-31F

The most significant difference is the AL31F is always coloured dark and seem to have a weird case hardend colour on the middle section.

How would we place the J10 since the current techtree does not have any place for it, perhaps separate J8 and J7s so J7 forms the J10 line。 More J8Is and more variants of J7 could get added as well.

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Well, now that the dust settled and the J11A is what we got for this update i sure hope we get to see the J10A in next update. It would be the best option since i don’t see them adding a PESA radar with the J11B and i’m unsure whether they’ll give us stuff like the taiwanese mirage or fck.

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I don’t see why they wouldn’t go for either of those, f-ck-1 will come eventually but the mirage is super likely cause it’s just copy paste.

Well the mirage would basically give another fox3 to China which would be quite a meme, i would love it tho, get one of the best French planes without breaking a sweat.