Chengdu FC-1, JF-17, History, Performance & Discussion

Rumor the first aircraft squadron vehicle for china JF-17A Block 1 from Pakistan Air Force (PAF)


it being a squadron vehicle is such a tragedy.

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Gaijin is based on BR to mount corresponding weapons to aircraft.
I hope that JF-17 can recive a lower BR if gaijin refuse provide SD-10 for its

i doubt they’ll give it anything other than pl5’s cause if they gave it its sd-10’s it would be 13.3 which is way too high for a squadron vehicle.

refer to the F-5E take AIM9L/Python 3 on Japanese TT,maybe JF-17 will recive PL-5C/PL-9(not even PL-5E2 and PL-9C) and a few CAS weapons

doubt it will get its full cas loadout either. i hope we get the block 2 in the tech tree.

C-802AKG(KD-88) is a very important ground attack weapon for Chinese TT. J-10s/JH-7s/J-11s/J-15s/J-16/JF-17 all use this weapon.
Gaijin think its attack distance too far and still refuses to add it to the game.
However, if the MITL guidance is not used and only the infrared imaging system is used to lock and attack, its attack distance is comparable to the KH38 in the game.


I still doubt they’ll add it

JF-17Block 1 on 2011 Turkye airshow.


JF-17 B3 with PL10E


Is there some kind of rule on that or are we just going off of what has been seen so far ?

So far squadron vehicles only go up to 11.7, premiums only go up to 12.0 and event vehicles only go up to 12.3. Would be quite a jump to add a 13.3 squadron vehicle. My only real proof here is that they added the bison without its r77’s to keep it at a lower br.

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JF-17 will probably be 13.0 and as we all know gaijin doesn’t really follow any fixed rules. So anything can happen

I’m betting it’ll only get ir missiles, far too gaijin like to not give a Chinese plane arh missiles, they’ve already done it twice.

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It will suck with just IR missiles. It will be like a higher BR F-5E with better A2G loadout.
I hope PL-8B and PL-9/PL-9C will come in the next update

Well what’s more annoying? Getting a plane with gimped weapons or having a spammed squadron plane with arh missiles?
There’s no good options here.


In my opinion, gajin don’t care battle rating

JF-17 max speed slower mach 2 but maneuvrability and flight control system better MiG-21

There’s also the su39, which is also missing radar missiles to keep it at a lower br. I think gaijin is just trying to keep the premiums roughly one br below top tier, so that premium players can see how good top tier jets are without actually owning one and therefore want to grind for one.

Wait, I just had this thought, does its nose remind you of mirage F1C?

i’d much rather have noobs spam it and not know what they’re doing than receiving it gimped

The noobs will eventually give up just like they gave up with their MiG 23MF
When Gaijin gimps vehicles they rarely come back to fix the issue later

By the way nobody spoke about the CM count on that thing, from DCS it’s only 68, that’s concerning

Any sources stating more ?