With the addition of the very first laser guided missiles up to the more recent medium range fire-and-forget munitions like the Kh38TM and Mavericks, people have become extremely frustrated with the state of the game and the inability of all nations except for Russia to effectively engage the opposition.
Many people on this forum have raised their concernes about how ground RB and Sim are slowly turning into air RB with an ever decreasing tank aspect. Although adding another mode; e.g. tank only AB/RB/SIM would provide a way to evade this dilemma, this does not resolve the issue for the current modes.
In my personal opinion one of the possible ways of “fixing” this issue is by:
making anti air systems more appealing to play by rewarding intercepted missiles, bombs and rockets with RP and SL
placing rearm zones in the spawn areas (for SPAAs and SAMs specifically, in order to give other less powerful AA systems the ability to fire more missiles per spawned unit)
There are obvious problems with the before mentioned reload zone system, aka. a never ending stream of Pantsir missiles. Nevertheless, this can be fixed by giving reload zones a withdraw limit and each missile their own individual value.
This placing ream zones making no sense, I don’t stay in the spawn point with the SPAA so that the CAS goblins have it so easy, no, you drive out and even look for cover or, if you’re really bold as hell, you drive close to their spawn point and wait for the enemies to air spawn.
Yes! More SPAAs have to be added, especially to nations that have huge gaping holes in the tec trees. The main problem we have rn is that many western nations didn’t follow the same design philosophy as Russia, in building a vehicle that has, guns, missiles and a radar.
Many system are composed out of multiple vehicles and this might be a challenge for gaijin (if they even want to add them in the first place.)
An issue I have had with playing bigger SPAAs that don’t exactly have the best mobility and little to no defensive capabilities is that you have to expose yourself to the enemy in order to rearm.
Especially if gaijin adds an RP, SL reward similar to what I proposed, this problem is only gonna become worse.
I guess we will have to see what gaijin has in mind with the deployable ammo packs, bunkers and whatever but I completely understand you.
It would be nice if you could set up camouflage nets as SPAA so that you could stand under them for a while, on the maps of Flanders this is already possible.
I support, by the way, something people also always forgot is the research points needed to research some SPAA.
This could be changed to something same as the spawn points as SPAA having the cheapest price, then TD, LT, MT, and then HT with the most expensive spawn point cost.
I deadass thought this was about changing SPAA name to SAM at first lol.
Also don’t the rearm point at spawn alr in the roadmap? I’m pretty sure i saw it somewhere
from a pure RP and SP position it is not worth at all bringing out SPAA the rewards are less than 60% of killing a ground vehicle. upping rewards and filling holes in alot of nations SPAA’s would be great oh and maybe looking over existing SAM’s that are missing the new features added with TOR and Pantsir
Considering how hard SAMs were hit in a recent nerf to the missile handling along with in inability to lock aircraft in 3rd person on most Spaa’s… Further to the worsted situation was gaijin allowed cas to lock vehicles in 3rd person and added longer and longer range munitions it’s no surprise things are a mess for ground.