I don’t have -34-1-1 in F4E or -34-1A in F4F, so can someone explain the rationale behind this AN/ALR-46 nerf?
Presumably sources were found to make them more accurate to the real life RWR’s.
So I’m curious what manual they found. And the changes to ALR56/67 are also strange, which involves the RWR database. But I don’t think GAIJIN had access to that kind of information.
Sadly - theres no proofs of that.
So you can bugreport it properly.
But, for example in DCS - SA19 exists on your RWR as 19(or S6)
Unfortunately, DCS is not an accepted source.
Yes, and thats the reasonehy i wrote - “for example”.
But maybe, theres more evidence of SA19 on RWR
ALR-46’s EID(Emitter Identification Data) update with software once each year.not mention other more modern RWRs.
gaijin just think the threat database won’t update since RWR is manufactured and find some 70s file to prove them right.
even at standard of them,this is stupid.
I reported a issue.
USAF updated the emitter identification data of ALR-46/69 in 2016,they should identity hostile emitters before 2016