Change the br of the J35XS

The Br decompression was great but the j35xs got killed. Its at the same br with the mig23M and can get uptiered with the f14 while having no RWR, no TWS, no radar missiles, only rear aspect missiles and only 12 flares/chaff. Its horrible at a normal tier and completely unplayable in an uptier. The br change should be reverted to 10.7, its unfathomable that a 70$ premium is at this horrible of a state.


Oh wow, third J-35XS BR thread today… how wonderful.

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Yes, the J35XS is horrible and nerds to go fown significantly and/or get its FM reverted and be given falcons.

We get it.

now please stop making new threads jesus fuck

You know what, just for the fun of it. Nah, J35XS is OP needs to be 12.0.


undercover gaijin employee

J35XS could always face F-14As, so nothing really changed.
It should be 11.0 though, and F-5C brought to 10.7.

On top of that, there’s a topic for this discussion already:

What? Why?

Not having to face a wall of them in 9.7s is amazing. Why completely undo the decompression for it?

Cause it’s 9.7 flight performance with flares and AIM-9Es.
There’s a reason no one’s been flying them… and thus not letting me frag countless F-5Cs.

So the Sea harrier FRS1 back down to 10.7 then because its a 9.7 airframe with Aim-9Ls?

Down to 11.0 because it has 4x 9Ls. Been stating that for a while.
Down to 10.7 would put F-5C back to 10.3.

F-5C beats the Sea harrier with its eyes closed.

Aim-9Ls are 1 tap flare defeat vs an F-5 (heck Aim-9Ms are a 2-3 tap flare defeat against an F-5, had it happen in the Harrier Gr7 vs a F-5E before decompress. Rear-aspect 2.5km against an F-5E sat on full reheat. 2-3 flares and kept going in a straight line)

So Sea Harrier with only guns vs a F-5C. Is a one sided fight. F-5C out turns and out runs a harrier. Which is why the Harrier Gr3 is at 9.7 even though it has better AAMs than the F-5C.

If we are undoing decompress. Then Sea Harrier FRS1e should return to 10.3 and the Sea Harrier FRS1 should return to 10.7

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Yes, in custom battle 1v1s the F-5C wins.
In random battles Sea Harrier provides a support role to other aircraft by having those 4x 9Ls.

Not sure why you want to undo the decompression just cause I don’t.

Sea Harrier, F-5C, and J35XS were not decompressed and they should get the decompression they deserve.

F-5C was 10.7 before decompress. It moved up to 11.0 as part of the decompress.

Moving it back to 10.7 would undo its decompress.

You are the one who wants to un-decompress the tree.

Oh another thread full of bad takes…
If this dont go back to 10.7 put it to 13.7 then because noone will buy or play that garbage you call plane.
at 11.0 wpuld still be garbage if it had 30 of those useless missles

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F-5C was 10.3 before decompression, it was never 10.7.
F-5E was 10.7, and I’m not saying that should move.