Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

i think this tank must go to BR.11.3 or higher, The tank data in the dev server is just for reference, and the actual situation may vary. However, I still want to ask why the USSR and China tanks always gain the most advanced ammo but M1s, Challeys and even the leopard 2A4 dont have the advanced ammo. and the answer which gaijin always gives is “balance”. what a joke XD

Q: now look at T-90, a tank equipped 3BM60 in 10.7. is she a balanced tank in this BR??? it should go to BR 11.0

And also T-72M2 it should go uptiers, about BR 11.0.
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The reason why Soviet faction players have the best experience is because this nation’s vehicles, including helicopters, tanks, and CAS, are overwhelmingly advantageous. There is no such nation in the NATO faction, and if we were to rate the combined scores of a nation’s CAS, helicopters, and tanks on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, here are the ratings:

  • USA: 9, 7, 8
  • UK: 8, 8, 6
  • Italy: 6, 4, 6
  • France: 7, 4, 7
  • Germany: 6, 9, 8
  • Sweden: 7, 7, 9
  • Israel: 9, 7, 7
  • Japan: 8, 7, 9

However, the Soviet Union can achieve 9, 9, 9, and China can be rated as 8, 6, 8. It’s worth mentioning that both China and the Soviet Union have the best AA (Anti-Aircraft) capabilities that can effectively counter the opponent’s CAS, so I believe that NATO facing China and the Soviet Union would provide a much better gaming experience for everyone. It can be observed that in the SB mode, piloting NATO vehicles against China and the USSR would be very comfortable and enjoyable.

I have done those matches. I see them semi-regularly as Britain. We loose in 5-10 mins every singel time. Likewise i’ve been on games where it was Britain and soviets vs every other nation. There was only 2 of us brits on the team. We were spawn camping the other team within 5 minutes of the match starting. Its a great idea. but the difference is too great currently. Youd get steam rolled.

For the balance issue, it seems that the T-90A with the 3BM60 would be too OP, according to me.

I mean if the T-90A is really that bad as everybody claims they can leave it at 10.7 or even put it down to 10.3 but it has to lose its ammo. At 10.7 it shouldnt have 3BM-60 and at 10.3 it shouldnt have 3BM-46. Remove the shells and I wouldnt have a problem with the BR.

or it should get the indian designed and built ammo and not C&P Soviet ammo. If we have to have it, might as well make it accurate

doesnt the idian ammo have something like 500+ pen?

I turely turely turely agree with you!!!

I find it quite interesting that my post was about the issue of the Chally DS and L26, but the moderator is very enthusiastic about arguing with others under the post about aircraft-related matters. What’s even more amusing is that I reiterated my point twice, but he completely ignored me. Perhaps Gaijin just enjoys this kind of poor ostrich policy, where as long as they pretend not to see what we’re talking about, they can continue to freely discuss their aircraft technical issues. It’s truly laughable.

I have no idea. just saw someone complaining about that in another thread.

They dont like Britain. Simple

May I ask why you’re so active in discussing these issues but completely ignore my inquiries?

I would love the indian T-90 to get its own ammo, makes the tank more unique instead of a c&p but I do understand the other when they say it should stay like that so we can have an addition to our 10.3 lineup, since giving it better ammo means higher BR and britian does not have a 10.7 lineup.

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It being 10.7 was the most stupid thing about it. Im never going to use it either way, but if it was 10.3 it could be taken in our strong 10.3 line-up or it could have been buffed up to 11.0/11.3 and taken in that line up

either way would be fine but not 10.7 as it was originally proposed.

Yep, it was just a messy and unncessary addition. Our MBTs might be unfinished, but we’ve got them. It could and should have been a light tank

they did change the BR to 10.3 before the dev server was shut down, so as it is right now I think its fine.

Hmmm… So some might use it then. But again, if I want to play that BR, Id much rather take my CR1S

May I ask why you’re so active in discussing these issues but completely ignore my inquiries???

If you could provide as much evidence and proof for the topic of “Challenger DS needing the L26 ammunition,” that would be great. Instead of a simple statement like, “based on balance and Gaijin’s internal decisions…”

How were these decisions made? I would like to ask, are you sure you know what British players need? Are you certain that the current situation allows the Challenger DS to be hit with the garbage-like L23 at 10.0? I’m curious, and I need a reasonable explanation, because I spent $59 on this package.

yeeeaaah but I now realized gaijin has no clue what their own game needs.


Apparently britain hasnt had a tech tree advisor in quite a while, which would make sense as to why we’ve had such a bad time in both air and ground for past year or so