Challenger 3 (Technology Demonstrator) discussion

Challenger 3 we don’t even know what it looks like

Yes. There will be a Cr3 prototype that is supposed to apper between december and january that will have a new turret


Between this December and jan or next December and jan?

This and jan next year. Anyday now

Ooooo hopefully soon then

the one with new armor and can be fitted to other nato tanks?

Idk what you mean with fitted to other tanks. Yea it should have the Farnham installed in it

I am very curious about the new turret‘s armor

Ironic as the challenger 2 in game has the engine noise of the chieftain irl. While the chieftain has some random diesel noise.

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the chieftain in game sounds like and old 4x4 with a hole in the engine revving way to high

It was bug reported with video evidence, but… a moderator disregarded and closed the report without giving it even a chance or taking a look.


Mine is still up

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Of course, acknowledged and forwarded by Optimus Chad!

Hopefully we will be getting a fix next major update, it’s kinda annoying hahah

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Yea, Gunjob is doing gods work. And he is a chill guy. Why cant all be like that…

“Your assumption is incorrect.” have they even herd the cv12 in game its almost like it sounds IDENTICAL to that


I doubt he even bothered to play the videos.

Otherwise it would have been SO OBVIOUS he wouldn’t have been able to reject it just like that.

I think the tech got offended? By the statement “The challenger series of MBTs have an engine sound that seems to have been created from this video:”. That is why it went to the “your assumption is wrong”

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Whatever it is, I believe it’s an unacceptable response.

Like, it’s not even a response at all. It’s literally rejecting a bug report with a “nuh uh” without even taking a look at it.

This time it’s “just” a sound bug report, but now you can guess what can happen if bigger matters are addressed with the same attitude.