Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

I don’t understand why they gave it 1500hp with the 6A and then 1200hp after calling it the 9A.
Their internal decision making is so confusing.

Because they based it on the HAAIP intended output, while deciding to keep name the same, and now they changed it to 9A 1200 based on the gov statement about THE PRODUCTION ONE.


CAS vehicles are tech tree, and they already cost a ton to spawn.
The solution isn’t to nerf CAS, the solution is to add SPAA/buff interceptors, which they did.

I mean is there anything saying the TD had any mobility upgrades at all? The LEP demonstrator had the improved turret tech but with HAAIP being separate it won’t have had them implemented, and to my knowledge the TD isn’t being used for trials so it wouldn’t make sense to spend time on the mobility changes (especially seeing as the TD turret currently lives on a stand)

Pfffffft ok mate, they’ve really been helping spaa of late lmafo

This is true. I seen people spawn fighters and kill all CAS with fox3’s. CAS got HARD nerf in this meta.

The answer to cas in ground RB is to grind the entire air tree of that nation too then… Not exactly a solution really especially when you can just buy an su25 whenever for example, how many premium spaa’s are there?

They should give the chally 3 TD at the absolute minimum 1350hp. And they should give it 5 sec reload along with DM63A1 which it actually fired !!

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Good point. Gaijin really needs to chill with adding advanced stuff to air and focus on ground for a while. More competent SPAA is a must. I also think it might finally be time to add a ground only mode due to how cancerous these modern CAS are getting.

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I’m trying to make reports that change the name of the engine in the 3TD to the 6A and not the 9A since it used an unmodified challenger 2 hull, but I cannot get through to them.

They’ve closed my first two without reading, and the third one quoting this report Community Bug Reporting System which uses an incorrect source from 2022 about the final production version of the Challenger 3, without allowing me to point out that that source isn’t valid for this tank.
Do I bother making another report or do I just give up at this point.

This one specifically feels like if they’d not named it the Challenger 3 erroneously they’d have been able to figure out that the Baroness is not talking about a proposal to the LEP but is instead talking about the final model.

I think it was your report that got through regarding the CV12-9A and CV12-6A, so I just wanted to ask if there were any extra bits of info that you put in the part of the report that we can’t read that backs up the parlimentary question regarding the engine? (Community Bug Reporting System)

The production Challenger 3 will have a CV12-9A but the Challenger 3 TD is not one of those.
I’m confused as to why they’ve accepted this report when it’s talking about an entirely different version of the Challenger 3?

There is 0 things pointing to it getting any engine other than 6A

@Smin1080p sorry for the ping, but i want to ask about this whole situation. Ignoring the fact that LEP 2019 should have 6A, why was its engine power changed based on the engine that Production Cr3 will have? Changing LEP engine power in that situation is like changing engine power on for example Ariete P based on engine of Ariete (for the sake of this comparasion we assume their engines are different). It just makes no sense.


I don’t want a ground only mode personally i want spaa that’s git for the role, i don’t see how 20/30/30km Agm’s along with many fire and forget missiles vs on average 7/12km SAM systems is even remotely balanced, the missile changes to sam systems have completely killed any chance of hitting anything at those maximum ranges anyway, they simply don’t respond to input fast enough it’s ridiculous.

It’s funny how people are calling it the 2019 LEP or ATD now lmao.


Well, it is based on the 2019 LEP. It lack any additions from 2021, so i call it by its true name. I tired to changed it name 2 times i think but it went nowhere as devs deemed 3TD a correct name.

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I’d love if they’d respond to this with all the info haha. I went looking for bits and pieces but this report flew right under their radar (or they ignored it)

The response to why it is named 3TD i got recently from Smin, my first attempt months ago also went silent

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What was the response?

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