Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion


In some parts yes, in some no

“in some cases they may even decrease” lol

20+8 shells is a good things

I hope mantlet could have 400+

That is the number of shell we have in the turret rn…

The report was about the hull but they went to the turret
These shells should go here
But who am i to know?

I think the most important part is mantlet, I hope gaijin could buff it

Ignoring the fact they kind of threw Fireball report to the bin and went with WE WILL FIGURE SOMETING OUT i wonder

" the protective size of the mantlet may increase." emmmmmmm…

a key word


if more people buy the oes they will buff it

If I’d bought the OES, I’d be asking for a refund after that devblog.

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so the cr3 turret has space for 15 shells, do the rest of shells go into armored bins like the cr2 or where are they held?

This is the thing nobody knows where the other shells go the current placement is assumption by gaijin

yes but right now where do they go? in x-ray all i see is 2 bins next to the driver 1 on each side. is that where theyre stored?

CR2 and CR3 ammo stowage are entirely different due to the change from 2 part ammunition to 1 part ammunition.

Ok, give us that APS and all the other upgrades then, THEN we will consider it Challenger 3 name worthy.

Yes, it is.

It also doesn’t mention any automotive upgrades (as such it confirms the 1500hp engine the vehicle has in game is fantasy), only mentions;

  • lethality (L/55A1)
  • surveilence & acqusition (FCS w/auto-tracking and C4I)
  • protection (in regards to the turret)

Aside from those 3, future growth (but it doesn’t specify what kind)