as long as there is a hole in it, it might be a viable stand off protection XD
future mantlet protection. problem solved
i mean theoretically speaking it could get an APFSDS to tumble. I mean the Leos turret wedges are also just hollow
yes but dont forget this is war thunder, the apfsds would just spall and penetrate the armour like it wasnt there
True and it would create an overpressure point for HE
Is this at DSEI 2021? Because this Challenger 3 Tech Demonstrator has a significant amount of upgrades not seen on the 2019 Challenger 2 Demonstrator.
Well, the main differences are plate on the UFP and APS mockup…
And that UFP add on is available on CR2 as is and has been for years but gaijin say no
It is Gen 2 plate and it is on the 2F late, TES and OES, but is underpreforming. 2 with 2e upgrade has Gen 1, that BN also should have, that is also underpreforming.
In some parts yes, in some no
“in some cases they may even decrease” lol
20+8 shells is a good things
I hope mantlet could have 400+
That is the number of shell we have in the turret rn…
The report was about the hull but they went to the turret
These shells should go here
But who am i to know?
I think the most important part is mantlet, I hope gaijin could buff it
Ignoring the fact they kind of threw Fireball report to the bin and went with WE WILL FIGURE SOMETING OUT i wonder
" the protective size of the mantlet may increase." emmmmmmm…