tungsten ammunition is always alloyed, making it less dense usually that du equivalents.
I don’t know if GJN fully models the benefits of DU tbh? Are the ingame penetration levels verified to real life? I know one of the main benefits of DU is that it is self-sharpening as it penetrates, and is also pyrophoric and should be much more likely to ignite fuel/ammo than tungsten rounds, but I’m guessing that wouldn’t favour Russian tanks very much.
It’s a tungsten alloy.
Modern WHa has its own penetrative abilities that make the DU self sharpening somewhat meaningless.
As for realism, ideally we need L27A1’s mass and L26A1’s mass. Then we can work out L26’s MV, and get an estimate for L27A1, frankly I think 1650 is too low for the war charge.
Then for a round of no greater size (we know CR2 cannot use longer rounds) but a material of lower density/mass, the question remains how to increase KE with the same charge in order to increase penetration. With an equally energetic propellant charge, muzzle velocity should increase in proportion to the mass reduction, but there’s no inherent increase in energy at impact unless the round is also more efficient in the conversion of the propellant’s chemical energy to kinetic and retaining that energy over distance.
The faster speeds probably equate to a flatter trajectory, but with little change in terminal effect of the rounds.
Imo the charge is underperforming which is the major issue.
Remember that British Tank Commander before? He posted the detail data and be reported by gaijin. The data he posted is real surely. But guess what? Gaijin didn’t even do anything to fix the Armor data of Challenger2 until now. I don’t think they would change these data even if you find all the files to prove.
Anyway I support your point—— For that big huge heavy armor, 30mm KE is really funny. XD
There you are, proven. Level 5.
He wasn’t in fact a tank commander or gunnery instructor: he just claimed to be for clout. But he was a serving member of the British Army who had access to CR2 and the AESPs (that he doctored the images of). If he lied about his credentials, and photoshopped “unclassified” on secret documents I would hardly consider him a trustworthy source of information.
The case is still ongoing according to some actual tankies I know. Name, unit etc. will be inevitably be made public when they’re sentenced.
Afaik he is actually both the things he claimed to be with fair evidence. As for who he is, I’m pretty sure he posted photo’s of himself so it’s not like it’s a mystery.
Sorry I dont exactly know who he is, because I heared this from the news media. All the media that time were all talking about this thing. But the fact is that Gaijin did nothing to change the Challengers data. I think its unbelievable. XD
Gajin does not take classified sources. The sources provided were classified which means they are unusable for Gajin because they could face significant legal issues if they use these sources to modell Performance.
There’s 16mm of difference between L27A1 and 3BM60, it really does not matter
Because the particular data he leaked inadvertently proved the person he was arguing against correct.
Yer, that ain’t quite true though is it.
Proof/source? Oh wait you won’t have one.
Wouldn’t matter either way because it had nothing to do with the sideskirt protection :^)
War Thunder needs to fix the armor of the tank the turret armor is not correct if you hold down its east to ben
What the f*ck are they smoking. It’s very obvious that that’s the ERA that it uses, they’re just being difficult.
Good news everyone!
TES has a armor update!
This looks like it’s for KE no idea about chemical
If only the hull sides were correct at 50mm xD