Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

Wouldn’t be the first time, reminds me of the time they said the ERA needed the backplate to qualify for the armour protection XD

We just want sources, preferably a primary and perhaps 2 secondary please :)


Am i seeing this right?

Pretty sure the purpose of the dust cover is also so that the crew can step on it, rather than snapping an ankle between hull and armour. Looks like a 3-5mm steel plate to me.


This FVC114 sounds like what was sold by AEI as the “ODIN” turret. Was UOR for Spartan 235.
It used the Thales (formerly SELEX) STAWS imaging system the same as the Enforcer RWS, so I imagine it was a Selex/Thales product to begin with.

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Does anybody know the penetration value of dust?

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If they make the claim, you would think they would be able to provide a source which they will have to hand and it would be super easy to say, even if it’s a book title with page number.

This entire ch2 blog is a disaster and should be re-done, this time actually paying attention and reading the bugs they link.

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Infinite, that’s why you have to put dust covers everywhere.


The only mention of dust covers in Challenger History is during the initial Operation Telic.

Where they apperantly also weren’t even fitted uniformly

And were removed very soon. Note the text

Also in which logic do you make dust covers out of solid metal?

these dust covers are only to stop dust swirling around the tank and to direct it backwards to reduce the tanks visibility, not to get dust out anywhere.

A solid plate would also not get dust out of anywhere
This doesn’t look very dust reducing does it?

Found dust covers for Chally 2. Only fitted once to 2E while the sales pitch to Greece happened
Note that they are again made from a rubber like material

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Any guesses on the actual shell I used for this?


Does the Russians have regen steering?

Is it possible folk are getting alittle hung up on the “dust” part of dust cover. It could just be to either prevent the crew from getting their foot etc stuck between the plate and hull or even just to prevent the tracks from shitting mud etc up on to the hull sides.


yes, like the drawing of @l2ulan suggests only the upper part is the dust cover the rest is RHA steel
but in the reports the entire plate is put off as a dust cover which is the initial problem i think


At this point I think its more the fact we are annoyed at how its being handled. People put a lot of effort in to get a dismissive response with nothing to back it up. Gaijin as a whole needs to work it out.

I couldn’t imagine how I would feel if I put in half the effort of people like legwolf and get a response like we did, ask for a source and get nothing back but accusations of targeting mods.

From everytning I’ve seen so far the front and rear sections of the plate are some 40mm thick. I’ve seen some suggestions the middle is thicker, but looking at the forward section (drivers end) I can’t see that being the case unless the plate was sticking out further in those areas. I’ll do a crude paint drawing to help illustrate that when I get home from work.


so its basically like @DevilO6 s initial drawing that the plate is offset compared to the engine side plate?

Kinda, I’ll be home soonish and show you all what I think, it makes logical sense so unless the geometry is completely different for the center sections I think 40mm is right for the whole thing. Don’t burn me alive until I’ve posted it haha. I’m pretty convinced but would like feedback on it so I’m not going nuts.


ok this may be a far fetch but could the thicker part weve been seeing be an addon plate in aluminium to the steel backplate?

heres practical military thinking:

i mean you allready have that backplate on the 2f that you used now aspro comes along and the screws dont fit so what do you do? you make a plate that screws on the backplate and has the correct holes to mount the aspro

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