Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

This I can still understand, the aluminum part is just BS

Would that qualify for a second source of non aluminum plates? Because aluminum is normally not considered armoured

This also speaks of a armoured board

Third party websites are not accepted as source.

So might the first one, the book be accepted that it’s not aluminum.
It is funny how we have to provide sources while the devs and technical moderators apparently don’t.


It’s secondary so would need another source saying the same thing.

We tech mods have the same requirements as players. There is no different rule set, all my reports either have a single or multiple primary sources or multiple secondary sources.

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Just out of curiosity, do you know anything about the aluminium source? I failed to find even a single mention of aluminium while at the backplate topic.

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We do have another source. So that would be enough. If the same applies to technical moderators then how can a method like pixel counting be used as a source when we know the side plates have various versions and thicknesses? I mean a picture that is chosen selectively can’t be considered a primary source when it’s shown on other pictures that different versions of the back plate exist


Protection of the mask from a 57mm projectile 2S38
distance 0m

Cheli mk2 (the lead is mainly from 230 to 400+, in that green zone 130mm)

Cheli 2 (in some places only 40-60mm, and the maximum is 260mm, but in most cases 234mm)

Gaijin knows better how much armor is in the challenger 2 mask)))))))

Also I find it a funny practice to first request more info but then lock the conversation so that no more info can be added

Also apperantly the “pixel counting” part was deleted after.
@Gunjob are technical moderators allowed to reject reports because they have a different personal understanding of the matter at hand? Because “This is a dust cover” and showing two photos where two different baseplates with varing thicknesses are shown without any sources or further elaboration really shouldn’t the requirement for rejecting a bug report.


I know it was already talked about but here i bring it once again
The sideplate is split into 4 sections, Driver, 2 crew compatrtment and engine
Pic with only p1 and p4 mounted

The measure was made based on the front part
But as can be seen, the front has a fender part that does not allow for mounting armor close to it
so it has a space there. It has been like that since early DL
Where they had to prepare a special frame so it will fit with the fender (labeled 1)

So we cant say for sure that the whole plate is 40, just like we cant say for sure it is over 40
The thing that would thorw some light on it is Holder that can be seen next to slat, looking like it is on 3rd drive wheel
Sadly the perspecive makes it hard to make out how much extended it is, as it looks like it is far over the slats, and that would not be possible.

I’m currently more about how reports are treated by technical moderators because as we can see by the two reports made there seems to be some kind of problem with having a proper argument about it or getting the devs to look further into it

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Question is does it line up with the side plate of the engine deck
Or would it create a bump like we see on the thicker side paltes

Not sure, but probably a bump, no Cr2 mounted a single plane plate afaik. CRARRV did tho

It isn’t going to be corrected, they are just going to write a few blogs and say it’s fixed when nothing has really changed.

Nothing ever really changes. I’ve lost all hope. I dream a western company will buy War Thunder. So much wasted potential.


Yeah this is ridiculous, no doubt you will make another one, be asked for even more sources then have the post locked again

Another question couldn’t the plate we see just be the backing plate of the VARMA mk.6 the one we saw at the start of telic?
That one

That plates are plates we are missing rn, they are independent from the big backplate that also have the block at the bottom

At this point I’d have more trust and faith in EA doing a better job than what gaijin are doing.

The only actual good thing about this game is the graphics engine.

The modelling of penetration is problematic, the armour model is very problematic, the suspension, gearbox and drivetrain modelling is sub-par. Atgm modelling is abysmal, SAM modelling is best not discussing as it’s just laughable. All that really leaves is the graphics which are good.

honestly I find it funny how much gaijin fucks up and I bet their “improvements” will most likely nerf the challenger 2 and not actually fix any of the issues

@Legwolf could you add this:

From this source to your report about the steel back plate