Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

Shhhhhhh, no one will notice. No one will also notice the fact that the block by themselfs should. Shhhhhh

as an aluminium alloy(surely?) it’ll have a higher KE modifier and be a buff, i just wanna know who proved its aluminium.


In normal terms does this mean that they are considering adding composite armour to the mantlet (or at least part of it?).

If so does anyone know which part of the mantlet would be changed?

Yes, but they dont care

By combined armour i think they mean the layered composition of it, it shouldnt be composite

Perhaps they looked at pictures for longer than we did

Im afraid that only the first hafl of that will be, so 40mm alloy plate?

  1. The front plate we see is actually a connected part of the mantlet/ triangle assembly and is 30mm RHa. The external mantlet is all of one construction, the rotor behind is 400mm thick but CHa, this can be seen by the finish on the rotor photo. The external mantlet assembly is 53 degrees and 70mm thick. Being around 116mm LOS. This then has the 30mm RHa plate behind so its net thickness is 146mm of RHa, for the upper portions. The lower portion has the additional 10mm intermediate plate as shown in a further image. putting it up to 156mm for the bottom 1/3 of the mantlet assembly. Overall this makes the mantlet construction (116(1)+ 30(1)) + 400(0.94) + 50(1) Giving an overall LOS protection of 572mm for the upper 2/3, and 582mm for the lower 1/3 Because the front of the mantet assembly is at 53 degrees this reduces the effectiveness against APFSDS down to 103mm for this section. Giving the mantlet an overall NATO protection of 560mm and 570mm respectively.

From my report



Im afraid they will go haha aluminium plate go brrt
ignore the STEEL

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idk, right now its 200mm + air, but dont ever doubt the capacity for gaijin to make even dumber decisions

dont question the snail, they are omnipotent clearly.

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Ive certainly learned not to doubt them over the years, i guess we wait and see

Maybe they’ll increase the mantlet protection by adding a few more mm of air

There wasn’t a name or author to search for. Thanks for looking at the directory for me.

Seems like they have quite a lot in that collection. I’m busy with work at the moment, but I can try and see if there is anything useful.

They’ve guessed everything else about the tank, and that’s how we ended up with this.

It’s genuinely amazing how we can have people like you putting in so much time, effort, and money to help better document these tanks. It’s a shame GJN is the way they are, where they ignore everything that doesn’t fit their worldview. This is just the MANPADS thread all over again. Some things never change.

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Next thing is to get the stand off plates on the turret blocks changed. Why the hell are they structural steel ffs

This makes a lot of sense. It’s just a shame gaijin don’t know how to read……

do we have any other sources?

Not in my hands, but even 2F had steel backplates, so it would be a big backtrack

If it were a leopard, it would be alive… the Challenger not fulfilling its role well, what a frustration:

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Yeah sorry to break it to you but steel is actually an acronym. It stands for

Shut up. We’re
Taking your side armour and that’s that.
Everyone knows the red army is best.
Exactly when did we tell you you could complain?
Losers. It’s aluminium because we said so.