Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

The tea bag charges ,whist mostly inert , have a tendency to violently explode when breathed upon

If you leave the teabags in long enough you can supercharge the rounds.

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Well, no. The Cr3 has different angle of the cheeks and the mantlet inside has a different structure

Due to instalation of Bowman, Challengers with DL2F,2G,2H and 2I lost one dart stored at the side of the turret, deincreasing total ammo count to 49. That was not present in game, but with this rework it was introduced
Normal Cr2
2F TES and OES
To fill the 4 round ready rack this was included into it
So whether you like it or no, you are forced to carry one round that has a DM that will explode when hit by anything, as it is a HESH model. It does not seem to infuence tank survivability when shot at the left site of the mantlet, as spall does not go that low, but it will need some testing to see.

Bitter experience has taught me to not get my hopes up.

And the turret rotar gear box is still to big

looks somewhat fine to me

You can tell its too big by the fact its clipping into the ammo

Could just be another part of the terrible remodel, where most things clip with another

Well, more like it is missplaced, it also clips into the loader, but it might be too big too

he sees using a forehead (eyepiece is too high)

It really show the great quality control at gaijin.
Why can’t they just give somebody the model once its all done, and be told find anything wrong with it clipping wise.

Its still mad that they would see all the reports and what’s being said in here yet still f*ck it up this bad, and after such a promising dev server model.

Gaijin and quality control ?
“nah we don’t do that here, we got our “beloved” players to do that for us and ignore reports that doesn’t fit with our agenda”
“western tech being worse then russian tech”


i would think even if they did change some stuff the core armour remains the same. unless they completely changed the armour. oh and if the mantlet was changed ill be happy with the 2 blocks of 600mm composite the leopards have…

Turret cheeks armour stayed the same, but at a little different angle. When it comes to the mantlet we have no concrete data, but there is a decent amount of space that was left after rotor was changed to L55 trunnion, so something must have gone there

I reckon we would have something like the leopards do, just covering a bigger area, but only the MoD know

lol problem is him sure they didnt do anything because its a demo tank. it shouldnt even be in the game

Yeah it was stupid to add it, should of waited and spend them money making the Ajax model :P
I think they got confused and thought it was a prototype and not a tech demonstrator, hence the wrong name when it first got added lol.

I find it funny that they added it and the month after the actual prototype came out :,)