Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

They said to not look at the stats, they are not final

I don’t have Twitter so all I see is tweet 21/

Long story short. HAAIP could make 1500 hp but the cooling is not effective enough. It can squeeze 1350 hp with the current cooling or 1500 with new one. Mod has not yet funded any option

No it doesn’t unfortunately, that appears to be a common misconception.

Then I’d like to know where DES’ “Significantly improved mobility through an upgraded engine and new hydrogas suspension” is coming from. How significant can the increase be with the same engine power?

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There is no confirmation in official capacity about the engine because it just hasn’t been decided yet. Trials are still being undergone by ATDU with some of the new parts.

It’s hard to say either way tbh

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IT comes from the original idea that HAAIP presented. But reality hit hard

The quote is from after the critical design review, from an article dated 09/02/23, so idk how far “it was the original intention” goes considering CR3 was revealed in mid-2021

HAAIP origial idea was to increase the power of the engine to 1500hp it dated back to the engine naming 8a. 8a failed doing so but became an engine by itself, and 9a took the 1500 part. And it failed again.

I’d love to know where you guys find this stuff, like genuinely, I keep an eye on a couple sites for when they post articles but they’re usually vague and/or copies of MoD/DES press releases

Everything around and wayback machine

Nicho which does a lot of Italian research does a lot of on the ground work, talking with actual people and contacting those that made the vehicles.

Surprising he could do all that when he’s a Italian living in the uk

@Legwolf sorry to say this, but

Composite screen became thin


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3 keeps the armor


still not fixed



Oh how nice of them >:(

No presentation camo

Guessing no-one knows what the gunner primary sight looks like? I’d like to throw a custom sight on there asap

it is

I will drop my 2e sight here as zoom and fov as the same