Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I can’t remember if anyone’s actually tried contacting the company who made the ERA to see if we can’t get some basic stats or knowledge about it? Like how they tested the protection level of it or what kind of chemicals threatens it can defeat?

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Apparently the xray does not currently line up with the damage model. Real TES protection value is 500mm in game right now. The number is wrong in xray, so we…kind of??? defeat RPG-7 PG-7VL, single stage rounds.

sort of.

After god knows how many years its good to see something happening with the challenger 2s, this little think tank is great for getting info… Just praying gaijin actually act on what we provide

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Goodluck with that lol
Defence companies tend to only speak to representatives, not public enquiry

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Watch the armour remake butcher the protection to Leclerc level

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It always confused me as we all know it’s at least two layers of armour. The outa layer of era and the inner layer of composite (most likely varma from what I’ve been told?). So how have we in game been stuck with one block of “ERA” with the same stats as just a normal block of varma? Would it not be more correct for it to be a block of Varma (30mm and 400mm respectively) with era ontop which gives 400mm of ce by itself?

Cracks me up, knowing this is giving Gaijin such a headache, while i’m doing all this while I watch Breaking Bad clips and eat squares of chocolate lmao


Make an inquiry about adding some ERA to your totally real tank (a ford transit)

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I’ll make an inquiry for some era for my technic in the Middle East.

And say your planning to drive all around the world including the middle east

I’ve seen the two stage take a lot, and while it makes sense, I can’t find any good sources (or pics) to show that. Exterior photos of ASPRO-HMT aren’t very telling.

According to “Images of War” the blocks are layed out in tiles of reactive and passive inside, like one giant multi-layered sandwich.

This is correct as far as i’m aware as DL2H/ASPRO-HMT provides protection against tandem rounds. The ERA tiles wont detonate each other, so when the shaped charge penetrator is stopped from the breaching end of a tandem warhead, and the primary charge hits, it will still encounter the unexploded ERA tiles and prevent penetration.

Doing it this way too, means for kinetic threats, they don’t just slice through your ERA and then hit the composite, they essentially hit a series of composite screens with the ERA acting as spaced armor in between.

£10 for a 10 second shot which is pretty good considering it was able to hit “A pound coin sized target at a distance of around 1km”


If that’s the case then should it not act like the Slovakian era where it’s multiple layers of era put on top of each other. Which would work exceedingly well against tandem threats making the sides basically immune to chemicals and decent against kinetic threats.

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When you consider Aster 15 is about $1.1 mil per missile. thats not bad

This sort of laser weaponry will be effective at countering drones which are cheap instead of wasting thousands firing loads of bullets at it. Heres a good video on them.


Does this mean we need to make an DIWS SPAA thread/suggestion for Britian now?

(Just realised, god knows how they’ll power it in an SPAA system)

Its a pretty compact system aswell the “Dragonfire” which considering the UK army is interested in it alongside the Navy it could be very interesting to see how the army integrates it into land platforms

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Potentially. as always, power is going to be the big limiting factor. Going to be hard to install on something mobile.

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yeah it can easily fit on something like a Boxer.