Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

ROMOR-A & VARMA 1 in Granby, ROMOR-A & VARMA 3 in TELIC, ROMOR-A replaced by a Chobham block in ~2007.

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And 2008, TES with Rafael ERA

Yes this is the “thin blocks” being replaced by “big blocks” (with identical protection characteristics…)?


The thing is, the TES is NERA/ERA sandwich. So you can take 2G NERA, slap ASPRO on it and you have TES

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Around an hour and im making the VARMA report. Just after that ROMOR-A

Nope, it uses its own passive armour system.

OH, so they gave up on the Dorchester blocks? Unexpected

We reverted back to 2G as you can see from any recent megaton appearances.

Yea, i think it is one of the 3 OES variants, the thing is, are they any different to 2G or no. At the current point it would be logical to assume it is, but at the same time its UK MoD so they are probably the same

Gentlemen, I present the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers.

Jane’s AFV Retrofit Systems 1993-94, 6th Edition, 1993

Whole book is here if you want it.

Source denied, Jane is a auto denny

I’ve found them to be good for approximations, bad for specifics.

Well, gaijin deemed the made some mistakes so they are 100% unrealiable

Given the mistakes I’ve found in actual vehicle TMs while working on them, that might be a little too stringent.

Then go tell that to snail :)

I’d love to, but NDA :P

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Who cares about that, your secrets are safe with us ;)



Now im gonna change pfp so it looks like Gunjob it trying to get you to do something.

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I know nothing anyway, and these days I only touch wheeled vehicles. Even as crew or mechanic you wouldn’t need to have access to anything interesting (you don’t need to know about armour composition to change a roadwheel).

Suffice to say that US Technical Manuals are written simply, but at times with errors (as anything), whereas UK AESPs are information-dense and hurt my brain, but are usually more useful.