Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

It’d be interesting/useful if we could get some data on how effective something like ECBA would be. Depending on what it is composed of, i’d expect it to defeat small arms rounds at 7.62mm calibre and a reasonable amount of frag from 120/125mm rounds

Of course, shooting a crew member directly with 120/125mm APFSDS probably wouldn’t leave them in a good state.

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Yeah of course it wouldn’t be healthy, but people just aim for weak spots like the gun breach.
So for example the loader here might only go red (bad example as all the shrapnel hit his legs lol. I’m not saying ECBA should stop them from dying but if one or two pieces of shrapnel hit their chests the really shouldn’t die. It should be in the game on all tanks because its a realistic feature, unlike the crew upgrade vitality, I dont die because ive had .50 cal vaccine so my body can get shot by them and take no damage.


“I can confirm that the soft armour protection from fragmentation is assessed against STANAG
2920 Addition 2 and the HOSBD Body Armour Standards for UK Police (2007) Part 1.”

Source, ECBA FOI request from 2015;

Edit; never mind, that just details how tests are conducted and does not contain results for ECBA.

“The body armour filler was introduced in time for the Gulf War and is made of a woven aramid and nylon, with a green PVC cover”

“The material inside the plates is sintered alumina and each plate weighs 1.16kg”

"ECBA was used at the start of Operation Telic, however ECBA was not initially available in sufficient quantities so some men had to make do with the older CBA without the armoured plates. After a number of high profile deaths an urgent operational requirement was put in to secure more of the armour plates to allow ECBA to be issued to all troops in theatre. "

What a beauty.

We wont, as devs stay adamant that it is 2019, not 21

I prefere the BN plate, but i like this one too ;)

From a quick bit of googling (I’m no expert on body armour) it seems that the original “Combat Body Armour” was a soft Kevlar vest designed to protect against fragments and 9 mm pistol rounds. The next version “Enhanced Combat Body Armour” added a pocket to the front and back which can hold a Small Arms Protective Insert (SAPI) plate.

A SAPI plate can apparently protect against a 7.62 mm rifle round. So I guess most of the ECBA vest protects against 9 mm pistol rounds and fragments, while the area covered by the plate (marked in blue) can protect against up to 7.62 mm.


Great so instead we have at the top of our tree a prototype with an upgraded gun and nothing else over a vehicle from the 1990s, fighting T-90M et cetera.

well if russian tanks can get massive era upgrades from years after the first production tank, we should be able to get a 2021 upgrade

Yea, and tbh, that what the 2019 was. EPSOM was not ready yet. Just a heavly modified and digitalized Cr2 turret.

We may in the future.

yeah, by the time the first Cr3’s are delivered

Just finished testing if the ammo rack on the challenger mk3 detonated with or without hesh loaded. No matter what u loaded, even pure sabot, the rack just behind the left cheek will explode every shot. We had trouble recording it but I think he managed to get the first explosion.

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Its linked in the CR1 thread

But ill put it here as well

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Ah thanks.

So this mod takes the T-72B3 from 2013 to the 2016 model, which adds kontact 5 and a new engine meaning its more survivable and more agile, yet we cant get a modification that adds the trophy APS, which isnt as good as the Iron fist we already have, and makes the tank more visible… somebody should make a suggestion for it, just give us a mod called Cr3 Advanced technology demonstrator or 2021 TD
And give us that boxer in the background, as well as whatever the hell that car with the brimstones is behind the Cr3


Me still waiting for my shitty Saladin with only a 76mm hesh round for the funny.


Only if they fix HESH. Which they won’t because the Russians don’t use it.

I swear russian HE acts like HESH and is much more powerful, so to fix it would destroy the balance of the game

as much as i would love more vehicles to be added, they should really fix the ones in game first lol, still waiting for the bombers to have actual cockpits

HESH once worked, it worked a little too well as most centurions would just bring hesh over sabot as it one shot everything Russian. Makes you wonder what it was made to face.