Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

We are comparing to a CR1/CR2
You cant turn in a CR1 or CR2 without ending up slowly sliding into position.
The T-90A you cant play hyper aggressive there are too many tanks that can hurt you at the BR.
Any good player will just shoot a T-90 in the lower front plate and one shot it.

The increase in mobility allows you to get into positions to play passively.
The point being excluding reverse speed and gun depression is the CR2 better than a T-90A to justify its 11.3 BR?

Would you take a CR2 over a T-72B3 (UBH)

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I’m sorry, but what you ‘‘feel’’ is slower is irrelevant. I could take out a F4F Wildcat and say it doesn’t ‘‘feel’’ much slower than a F4U-1a, but that doesn’t change the fact that the F4U-1a is factually MASSIVELY faster.

The gun handling characteristics on a Challenger are far superior, I’ve shown you the data on these vehicles which supports that.

Gun depression is a part of the overall gun handling characteristics.

Factually untrue.

Autoloaders are breakable modules now, this argument no longer holds any value.

The 7.1 sec reload is also crippling and another major downside to any Russian tank that has it, these vehicles are all held back substantially as a result and the Challenger 2 without a ready rack will still load noticably faster.

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Let me caveat it with saying I dont have an aced crew on any tank.
The CR1 and T-90 Bhishma are in the same lineup the difference is hardly noticeable the one would be the elevation controls. Your F-4F and F-4U comparison 120mph difference is huge. 5 degrees is not.

Your data is outdated with the latest major update 2.37

Yes they are now breakable, Chally will load 6.5 seconds without an aced crew. Unless you spend GE not everyone you face will have an aced crew.

I don’t know why you are so keen to die on this hill (CR2 are not good tanks) and should be fixed or BRs lowered.

CR2 is not an 11.3 tank when its armour barely protects it.

6.5s is the base reload, second stage racks have a 1.333x increase to reload time. Ace crew is 5s (6.665s), expert 5.3s (7.065s), and with a fully trained loader it’s 5.8s (7.731s) iirc.

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Thats a fair point, I forget the modifiers

The Challenger 2’s vertical traverse being 4x faster is indeed a pretty massive difference.
The absolutely atrocious vertical traverse of Russian MBTs can often get you killed in situations where Western MBT’s wouldn’t have.

Challenger has more than double the gun depression and four times faster vertical traverse with a 28% faster horizontal traverse.

Tanks do not undergo changes to their mobility every update, in fact, the mobility for the majority of these vehicles has been the same for years now.
If you believe otherwise, feel free to present evidence of your own.

5.3 seconds*
Then 6.4 seconds when the ready rack runs dry.

I don’t expect you to have an Ace crew, but an Expert crew should be standard by the time you reach top tier.

I never said they were. Don’t strawman me.

I said that the T-90A is a terrible comparison because that also is a bad tank.
Instead you could’ve picked the M1A1, TKX or T-80UM at 11.0, those are actually decent/great tanks at lower BR’s than the CR2.

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Ok Fair point I got a little carried away with the abject mediocrity of the CRs

T-80UM and TXX are great

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Sorry, but it definitely feels more sluggish. It looks like you’re comparing it to the 2E, not the base CR2.

I refuse to play them completely, I’ve not touched them since the challenger 3 mobility nerf. Sooner play the 10.3 line. Anything more is just dead.

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Thats what I am doing, would be nice to have the L27A1 when uptiered L26 just doesnt cut it.

I just told luque13 that I don’t care about what someone ‘‘feels’’ is more mobile because I can’t do anything with what someone ‘‘feels’’. I even gave the example of:

I repeat: What matters are the actual facts, and the facts are that the Challenger 2 out-accelerates a T-90A.

And no, I am not talking about the Challenger 2E, otherwise I’d have called it ‘‘Challenger 2E’’ in the chart. All the vehicles listed are exactly what I say they are.

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So, this is not the 2E?

That statistic table appears to be very old

All of those tanks can reach their max speed offroad now, it was changed years ago so that must be at least a few years old

The Challenger 2’s have also received mobility buffs since then

Once again, if anyone has any issues with my chart, please present data of your own.

Typically brackets denote the DL armour, in this case DL2E, so I assume it’s the first CR2 with the add-on kit mounted.

The chart seems outdated since the weights of the CR2s were adjusted semi-recently, currently the hp/t of the CR2 with DL2E is ~18.06 (~19.02 w/o DL2E), so it’ll be a bit more sluggish now.

By contrast the demonstrator vehicles (excl. Black Night) keep the training weight of 62.5t, putting the CR2E at 24 hp/t



I don’t look forwards to having to re-do that thing. This stuff takes hours.

I could potentially get some data myself but I would have to use the Bshima instead of the T90A

06/05/2024 12:49 PM → Part 5

Ground changes: (continued)

  • Challenger 1 Mk. 2:
    • Empty mass: 61000 → 61500 kg
    • Full mass: 62000 → 62500 kg
  • Challenger 1 Mk. 3:
    • Empty mass: 64500 → 66070 kg
    • Full mass: 65000 → 67070 kg
  • Challenger 1 Mk. 3 (DS):
    • Empty mass: 61000 → 62690 kg
    • Full mass: 62000 → 63690 kg
  • Challenger 2 (Dorchester 2E):
    • Empty mass: 61000 → 62500 kg
    • Full mass: 62500 → 64000 kg
    • Dorchester 2E: additional mass when equipped: 1100 → 3380 kg
  • Challenger 2 (Dorchester 2F):
    • Empty mass: 62500 → 67500 kg
    • Full mass: 64000 → 69000 kg
    • Dorchester 2F: additional mass when equipped: 5000 → 1000 kg
  • Challenger 2 Mk. 2 Black Night:
    • Empty mass: 61000 → 63500 kg
    • Full mass: 62500 → 65000 kg


Couple hours of testing and editing later:

And that’s the base Challenger 2, the one that’s relatively fast compared to some of it’s successors.