Man, why do i have so many trash autocorrections? I need to clean this up
I haven’t heard about German armor being based off of Dorchester. Germany went their own way instead of following the britishes footsteps
Dorchester or Chobham is a very broad term that basically means composite armor. From what I’ve seen from documents and photos, early American BRL was inspired off of Dorchester, it doesn’t use the same armor as something like Challengers.
I read that somewhere, but after checking that out i did not find any info about leo2. I forgot to edit it
Question to you guys, what is you least favourite of the Cr2s we have in game?
I will start. Mine is 2F
I want to stay Chally 2 TES but I like it’s custom camo…
yeah 2F is just useless if you want more armor you take the TES and if you want a bit less you take the nomal one
chally 2 has less protection. TES has too much weight making it impractical. 2F feels really comfortable to play so im gonna have to agree with Devil on this one. Black Night is great too.
the 2f is better in every way than the TES its lighter and you still get the LFP block
I’ll be going back next year some time.
TES is just fat. 2F at least is a bit lighter so you get some manoeuvrability. 2F also get’s that absolute bitchin’ Dervish camo
Wait, TES has better protection on the block on DEV
(Not like it matters as giant CHOBHAM block is provides 0 protection)
yeah because we cant have Composite armor provide protection
CR2 is least favourite as it has nothing special
I just realised i was making a mistake all along. The EPSOM replaces the Chobham and Farnham replaces Dorchester. So Cr3 will have internal armor from EPSOM and external packages from Farnham. WHY NOT REPLACE CHOBHAM WITH FARNHAM, WHERE LOGIC MOD, WHERE?
Im famous :D
Do we assume Dorchester is internal or external. I know the quote your talking about.
That i guess? That is also what i was using, as Dorchester were always the armor packages for me
We can see the above mentioned outstanding kinetic protection only in our dreams