Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

To sum it up. It was posted, removed later so we have no idea if it is clear or not

I’d like to say that that exact photo is up on twitter and has been viewed 33.5k times

A ok well I’ve seen it on the challenger 2 FB group am in. I honestly didn’t know a picture of challenger 2 with it’s armour removed was classified like we posted pictures of the raw turret before ??

The problem is that original poster deleted it and

Yea, but

just found the photo again on twitter, sent it to gunjob to make sure its safe

This will be the response, just forget the picture, dont post it on the forums and stop talking about it here.

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if the photo gets reposted everywhere im not gona forget about it. tweet has over 34k views and 55 retweets.

plus the photo is a lot bigger than what was on instagram that got pulled

Yeah I know but its a

and just because its been seen by thousands of people, doesnt mean its magically declassified to show the armour parts in the photo

thing is, if we dont know if its actually classified and starts to get posted everywhere is it really classified?

like i sayd the photo here on twitter has a much better resolution than the one on instagram. so i may be from a diferent source and not classified at all

and i dont really think it shows a lot to be honest…

Don’t make me repost the gunjob quote again.

just think about it for a second, if more people made screens from it and repost it…
Does it mean its not classified? anymore ? :D

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takes screenshot of classified document, uses paint to cross out the secret marking. It is now declassified :D


So one in the original picture, and the insta one is a screenshot of it, therefore quality gets worse :/

I know you joke…but didn’t someone actually do that on here once? Can’t remember for which vehicle…

Feel free to leak stuff but tell us later what happend

why so much work ? just cut it out
kgb mi6 cia don’t know about that magic trick

There is no point arguing about this, gaijin has said it is currently classified in their books, therefore its against the forum rules to post, or talk about it.

Yes, it was challenger 2 documents i believe :)

If someone wants to FOIA it and it turns out in a month its okay then you can post away. But until then;