Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

so were suposed to put 0 obliquity?

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Im not sure how it all works myself since penetration and perforation is not the same thing, but if you would put 60 deg for example you would get 659.3 mm, so I just did it for 0 deg as an example, to show that we would get the exact same value as ingame.

how about L28A1 which is 660

660 tungsten

Did gaijin close the dev server?

Yes its down

do you have the picture for L28A1? (just out of curiosity)

Give me a sec, i need to find it

And someone taping it

but if i see that correctly it would be 660mm with fins, the penetrator is then much shorter then 660mm in that case

We cant be sure, but the end of the tape seems to not be placed at the end of the fins

yes difficult to say at that angle

what do we know about diameter, weight and mv?

Sadly i dont think it is at the tank museum anymore, so no one can replicate that photo

Dim should be the same as 27, rest not on my hands rn. Mv also should be simmilar

we can calculate if the length and diameter is correct by knowing the weight, and since its tungsten the weight, if we assume the dimensions are the same, would be lighter

Another photo, now at a better angle

Isnt tungsten a little denser?

a photo with L28A1 and L27A1 as a length comparison would be nice

Thats the issue