This? I can’t think of anything else
No, i will look for it later
i mean if youve seen the thing that must not be posted i believe you lol
I have no idea what are you talking about
i completely understand what you mean
Mine now ;) XD
Where is the source of the second photo?
TBH i have no idea
This is a very complex mechanical engineering problem
? You asked for the source, i said i have no ide where the source is
The use of LO for all long rod darts is to equalize testing procedure between nations which vary greatly. A primary source that states a number (say 700mm for CHARM 3) is somewhat meaningless when you cannot directly compare it to either the game itself or other figures from other rounds.
In the UK’s case the 700mm probably refers to a complex target meant to simulate a future soviet tank, and this does not mean 700mm RHA at 60 degs in game. Futhermore RHA is not a standard and the tri-partite gun trials in the 1970s showed a considerable gap between the steels used for testing in the UK and US and Germany.
To sort out this mess, gaijin uses a well regarded equation (LO) to which it can plug in the dimensions of any penetrator and get results it can use in game. The limiting factor here is getting proper dimensions, weight, and MV - which can be difficult for rounds currently in service, and the UK is extra secretive about this stuff.
tho in that file, does the projectile weight include the sabot? because comparing to in-game most non APFSDS(like the american M830 and UK HESH) rounds are almost the same weight, buuut the darts in game are atleast 4kg lighter than the weights stated on that file,
Yes it includes the sabot. Its also from when CHARM 3 was still in development.
gotchu, thx then, and yeah, just dont show that to gaijin or they will nerf the round velocity :3
do you have picture
Yes CHARM 3 is unfortuneately a very nebulous name that isn’t specific to which version of the round its talking about. I would not expect massive differences between this and the production version however.
May I ask, which challengers will have new mantlets? Does it include 3TD and 2E? Do you still remember my issue report for 3TD? Will gaijin make any changes?
so if finding length of projectile is nearly impossible would it be ok to compare it with other projectiles penetration citing official documentation?
like using this document for example:
No. Placeholder values are used in the LO equation, as you can scale images and get a rough idea. You cannot compare numbers like that as I mentioned before, as the context for what those numbers are is not present.
do you know the values used in the LO formula for l27?