Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Then we’re in luck! Relict gives 10mm more :P (well…about 130mm more, given this is flat pen and ours is 120mm)


lol :p

and it is only era and no where near as thick

The big thing here, is Relict is very compact and uses explosives to shatter incoming rounds.
ASPRO-HMT is more like spaced composite armor, but replaces the airgaps with explosive tiles that can only be set off from HEAT rounds. There’s no dart shattering going on in ASPRO-HMT, instead, it’s a full hybrid passive armor suite when hit by KE rounds.
It makes sense that something almost 4-5 times thicker than Relict is comparable.

Where Relict explodes and is a “one and done” ERA
ASPRO-HMT is a hybrid armor suite capable of taking multiple shots without detonating.
The drawback of ASPRO-HMT being, it’s FAR thicker and FAR heavier, but achieves multi-shot capability.
The drawback of Relict is it’s a one and done solution, but far more slimmer and light weight.


It’s also because of this layering of Reactive and Passive tiles, that ASPRO-HMT can survive tandem warhead impacts.
The frontal breaching charge of a tandem warhead is relatively weak, so it won’t pen through the entire block. The follow up warhead is far more powerful, but encounters the unexploded remaining tiles the breaching warhead failed to contact.

The entire tandem attack is defeated owing to Rafaels ERA tiles ONLY exploding when the shaped charge projectile hits the tiles. If it doesn’t touch a tile, it wont detonate.

So you’d end up with the breaching charge blowing through 30-40% of the tiles it impacts before stopping, leaving the other 60-70% of unexploded tiles to catch the warhead.


I cant wait for them to completely ignore all that info and say ur wrong ;D


I don’t want to alarm anybody but my NERA just did something!

Like I said before, this is about as much effort as i’m willing to go, without some insentive from Gaijin lol
I’m doing all this research and investigative work for free, and have worked with their teams to alter and conform to their definitions - only deviating when evidence presented suggests otherwise.

If they come back and state “It’s still just 30mm” and show me a screenshot of the Protection Analysis screen, that’s me done helping them lol
I can provide analysis based on facts supported by sources, to draw very straight line conclusions, but if they are unwilling to conform to my research, it’ll be out of not wanting to, rather than having sources that say otherwise.

I welcome contradiction, but it needs to be supported with facts or sources. If they just go “yeah but we think the back plate is included”, then I can’t, nor do I want to, help them further.

I’ve given them the reasoning, sources, mathematics, and evidence to suggest ASPRO-HMT is 240mm KE at 67 degrees, and provides ~1200mm of CE. If they now say no - That’s on them and the community to hash out. My work here, is done :P


Yeah some like the document doesn’t exactly state what RPG warhead so we assume it meant the oldest one

I’ll absolutely work with Gunjob if he’s got any questions, concerns or comments on my research he wants me to address. By no means am I saying I won’t defend my research here, but I am saying if they close the current reports and just send me the protection analysis screen and a message from the devs saying “No thank you”, I won’t be making any follow up reports and you’ll all have to live with the fact Gaijin believe the west is incapable of producing applique armor lol


They can’t really make that claim anymore lol
I have sources suggesting the entire RPG-7 weapon system is defeated. ASPRO-HMT came onto TES in 2008. By 1988, Single stage RPG warheads were no longer the main anti-tank armament on RPG-7, replaced by PG-7VR.

I also have sources stating it was designed for tandem resistance and “Advanced shaped charge” attacks.

If they ignore my CE report, that’s from a place of genuine disinterest in making it functional lol


Glad to see you are on a break legwolf

Gripen bug report, it was in a Cr2 game so it belongs here lol


This is me on break lol
If only you guys could see how much sifting through the wayback machine I do, how many weird crevices of the internet I explore, just to find a source from the early 2000s, or a book that either supports or destroys a claim I try to make lol

Compared to how much time researching takes, writing these essay style explanation posts is a vaccation lol


Feel you man. While i did not did as much, trying to find enforcer with 40 agl was a thing that i do not wish to do ever agian. (Also that makes me wonder, why did i had to get photos of it, when i had 2 brochures, a book and a few sites stating it could mount it, yet pics were still needed?)

For add-on weapons, they typically want you to show that it was mounted on the vehicle, not just that it could be. Otherwise it can be inaccurate to mount a weapon system on a vehicle that was never used by their respective army. pita but I get it :P

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Then im gona use “trust me” source, just like a certain gastropoda does.

Today on BS deaths in the CR2.

1.2km shot by a T80UK, Pens lower part of my mantlet.
Lose my breech…Spalling takes out my driver, gunner & loader.

Crew knocked out

Do not pass go

Straight to hangar


Gaijin wonders why people one death leave, with stupidity like that it’s no wonder people sod off


You better check this out

Oh boy I sure love medal. Time to record the replay again