Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)


are there any weldings of that aluminium plate into steel?

Umm, i dont quite understand your question

This doesn’t confirm the material type? We need sources for the backing plate to be steel. That’s what the report is concerning.

You can’t weld ally to steel (basically).

Edit; you can, but it’s a pain.,Using%20a%20bimetallic%20transition%20insert%20is%20definitely%20the%20best%20way,exactly%20what%20it%20sounds%20like.

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well its very hard to weld aluminium into steel, so it could add credibility to it not being aluminium if it has weldings into steel parts, like the lower thicker part

Well, that is the source the talk was about, it tells armoured plate so people up there came to the conclusion it is most likely not aluminium. With sources stating openly STEEL we do not have any yet. Also can we see the sources that say aluminium, im intrigued by it.

It would probably help if we knew where the slump came from in the first place, I.e. the source for it.

I would be very surprised if gaijin actually give us this mysterious source that states its aluminium
Pretty sure the Enforcer II is the RWS found on CR2 rather than the base Enforcer, which is found on Panther. Leonardo bought SELEX a while ago.

Yes it’s not a picture of an Enforcer II with GMG, but it’s an excerpt from the manufacturer’s brochure saying it can do it.

Still though regardless of the aluminium stuff. This report is concerning the material type of the backing plate. One source states it steel, that is a secondary source. We just need one more can it can be passed.

If the material is really changed to aluminum, will KE be improved?

Enforcer and Enforcer 2 are identical when it comes to weapon mounting, so it does not matter

Depends. But it should not matter as it should be steel

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Yeah, at least EA are only motivated by greed, and don’t have other ulterior motives/biases.

is the source that states its Aluminium a primary source?

If getting it was so easy we would have given it. Sadly bearly anyone care about the backplate material and no one mentions it.

I haven’t seen the devs research into this.

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Could you not find a enforcer on a different vehicle with the GMC?

Right but we have one secondary source already. I’m just trying to help you guys get this one over the line. If there is another book that mentions its steel that’s all we need.