Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Whats the win rate with the Chally 3 like, I cant bother grinding it, I got my PSO after this update and I currently have a 88% win rate. Germany may be just a tad bit strong and the americans are that bad currently.

Get a friend who plays Germany and your win rate in the challenger 3 will also be 88%

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The problem isn’t that Germany is too strong its that everyone is too weak for no reason


Referring to this photo?
I think because that set of photos is of a CRARRV, not a CR2

Nice! I did not thought about it. That explains why i couldnt find the Cr2 with engine plate like that

Community Bug Reporting System why tf would i need an OEM manual to show the armour block in game looks totally different from real life, it’s clearly not f**king flat underneath, i swear the mods don’t even look at the bug reports

Well… I dont know what to say about it
Take the Cr2 vacuum to feel better


Not much to say it’s clearly modelled completely wrong in comparison to real life. Apparently that’s not a bug, honestly i cba to bug report fk all anymore they clearly don’t give a f**k about the challenger 2s.

Sad but expected

Whats this up to?

You can take the report and send it to Gun in PM, and ask if he can recheck and reopen it

Simon is the forces news reporter who delivered their video on the CR3 at Telford, there was a segment where he was stood in the commander position so I asked if he noticed blowout panels or any other details while he was there (link for anyone needing more clarification )


I did he didn’t reply, I’m assuming he’s busy.

Well, hes a human too, give it some time.

Let me just casually post the oem manual for the challenger 2… Yeh i wonder why there’s war thunder leaks lmao, I’m sure the British government would be happy with me for that.

Ask them under FOI for Cr2 manual, they will gladly provide you one and wont put you on a possible suspect list. Trust me.


Makes me laugh we’re literally talking about highly classified tank now in game so we can only go by what’s visible, what’s stupid is thatbthey still ask for classified manuals as a source.

Yea, a leftover of the WW2 era reports, where providing OEM for them is not that big of a deal (compared to modern things) and is a system to prevetn falsification of data (heh, i would say that even with that this sistem somewhat fails, but i will keep this to myself (yes, i did that)). However in modern things it gets very tricky, and it shoud be worked around.


Clearly needs to be edited, but it also makes me question if they even bothered to look at the report.

Cannot unhear this now.