Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Asking too much there mate

OOPS i leaked (no i did not it is not classed)


The fix for the mobility is kind of nice… when it works…

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Chally 2E flies
first game there seems to be some type of damage modelled in the lower hull? Only saw it on the thing in the bottom right corner, but that’s worth noting. Not sure what it does but:

Its the spall liner

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CR2 feels no better or slower tbh, and they still havent fixed the shift down issue…

hard disagree, I feel the speed benefits on the 2E, the default chally 2, and the 2F, and it’s reasonably noticable on those 3.
The 2F probably because I don’t use the useless and ugly armor package because it ruins the Devilish skin
but it’s a few kph of difference on the BN as well.

That’s not to say the thing is fixed, but it is noticable.

That plate dividing the sections in the UFP was always there. As to why the shoulder armor is better, its becuse the shoulder part covering the fuel tanks dont have that thin rha plate taking up the composite which is volumetric, the composite there is thicker. Spanish avenger is wrong in that its the same effectiveness but the fuel tank makes it stronger. (it does but not the composite itself)


This green rha plate visible in the xray is very thin for the amount of volume it takes up. The shoulder armor doesnt have this
You can see how the composite is thinner on the section covering crew

Shoulder section is around ~20mm more effective, 3BM46 at 500m

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I will do human sacrifices if it would lead to the mid section of the hull being as strong as the sides.


Did I go a tad too far with the suggestion box then? I kinda just did a full write up if everything that needed changing without reading what I needed to put in the box lol. Guess they’ll just chuck mine in the scrap instead of reading it.

Sadly, yes

What the problem??

Gaijin needs the problems laid out to them like they were in preschool. Little words and mostly pictures. Videos scare them so stay clear of them.

I have 2 sources. One claims it has 3 reverse, while other it has 5

One is the manufacturer’s specs, one is vickers spec on the tanks brochure, realistically gaijin would go with the manufacturer’s spec as is a first hand source im guessing, vickers is using the transmission so it could potentially be a typo.

Yea, but i found this meanwhile

Not a big thing, but closer to reality


Welp, doesn’t look like that’s going to change without further information, tbh it’s the least of my worries with the challenger 2e tbh i think it’s better than the 3 thanks to the spall liner. The 3 just gets one shot through the breach. The E takes alot more punishment. Mobility is mint.

that was my mistake xD Put that report in without going over the basic knowledge i had.


You can only go by what you’ve seen at the time. Better to try and fail than not at all.