@Smin1080p have the devs had time to review the feedback on the cr2 “rework”?
Most of the reports submitted since have now been answered. Those that haven’t will have answers coming.
Tbf that’s not unique to the CR2. I checked a few weeks ago and the HESH could overpressure some other tanks with cupola/roof shots, and one of the complaints with later M1 variants is that the extra roof modules make them easier roof overpressure kills
I wouldn’t expect too much, to be honest. Actually, I wouldn’t expect anything. That was the rework we got, and it doesn’t make sense to me that the devs are willing to improve a rework that was supposed to improve the tank in the first place. I’ll stick with 10.3 BR and below. Even at 10.3, we have a bug that’s been there for more than 7 months where darts are explosive for Challenger Mk 3 and DS.
Went back to play a few matches. I did not feel anything better or worse with the CR2s at all after the “rework”. But the CR3 TD is much worse than it was. I don’t know why, now DM53 and 152 APDSFS can pen this turret at 99% of angles. I ain’t touching these tanks.
But the indirect artillety fire with MTTD and a scout drone is enjoyable on large maps.
Here an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8VzCAZ05IU&t=183s&ab_channel=BallisticSwift
the rework turned the CR3 TD into the old Base CR2 damage model and they have still failed to fix it. with no reply yet.
Make sure to pass on the feedback that many of us are disgusted with the way they’ve handled this whole situation. Ignoring well sourced feedback in favour of “beliefs”, buffing it for the dev server before nerfing it to an even worse state for the update, followed by total radio silence.
In what world is that acceptable?
I’ve put a reasonable amount of money into WT over the last 4 years I’ve been playing, but even the sunken cost isn’t enough to make me consider giving them another penny now.
You know what impresses me the most about this? The Challenger DS is a premium vehicle; you pay to have it. You might expect that being something you paid for, it would receive special care. A bug that can make your tank explode with a small fragment, occurring for over 7 months and already reported several times, doesn’t seem like the company cares as much as you would expect. The Challenger 2 OES might be a similar case.
not hesh, in my screen HEAT :/ but yes, not unique CR2 i confirm. I have killed by t-90 stock today, same shot xD
Watching the heat atgm over pressure my tank for the 20th time by hitting my cupola when my atgms on the zt3a2 (don’t ask me why I play it, it’s terrible and I want my fox milan) only took out the driver on a bmp.
Tank you xD
I have way more fun playing the chieftains over the challenger 2s
That’s putting it politely lol
Sssshhh they’ll find out the turret armour actually is effective for the BR.
Bro the mobility, reload rate, lack of laser range finder are not im sure it’ll be ok lol
A brave assumption.
I think, if they are unwilling to fix the CR2s, we’ll need to spam the next BR change with suggestions to drop it’s BR down to sub 11.0. they are not 11.3/11.7 worthy anymore.
People were saying that about the British phantoms too, and GJN’s response was “player data indicates they are performing fine”, even though they are on paper some of the worst 11.3 aircraft. I can’t see the situation with the chally being any different.