Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Its Unknown, the Tech Demo being a Tech Demo was rushed and didnt have them, along with lacking a spall liner in the turret. the Production Challenger 3 is expected to have them alongwith a full spall liner.


Yes but no. The production one yes, but what we have in game is 2019 LEP that was a tech demo, so it was not supposed to go into fight, so it did not got them as it was not needed, just like spall liner

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It is known, the roof is solid, so there is no plate that could be blown away

It was unknown to me.

IC, so unless we get yak 141’d we wont get BP’s until the actual Cr3


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still higher
War Thunder Screenshot 2024.03.05 -
@Fireball_2020 @DevilO6

Also it seems they forgot the armor values for something, because the breach is way down to how it was.

1,still missing a 50mm plate

2,The hole should be filled


This seem to be responsible for the breach losing its protection. IMHO they are waiting for replacing the armor values probably.

still wip ? idk

Seems like it.

much better than before

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Hull armor buff, going up by up to 40mm; SPLENDID! Now 3BM60 severely struggles. With the add-on armor plates (Dorchester 2E, 2F, and the one on Black Night) it reaches up to 580mm KE, fully stopping said shell!

Many other accuracy reworks over the tank, too.


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love it

Last I saw 525mm was the intended value for the upper plate

With the add-on plate:

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idk the rotor seems to be smaller than what it should be. maybe its just me idk

still missing some amour