Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Take the tracked Rapier and shut up for a year or so

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Proxy fuse of the ADATS is the reason why ive got it in the line at the moment.

But its good to know for my 10.3 line, the HVM is usable again.


Any other possible IFV>Ajax.

South African BMP


If we get an IFV/light tank it will be a ferret I bet :)
(and no not one with missiles, the one with only a 7.62mm MG)

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No one submit the cr2sf or other cr2 mbt?

mockup only and the other one with the 130 is already suggested

Better than nothing………

However I really want 3p1 and street fighter, in wt better fire rate means kill more. I am worry about 130 cr2

Especially as the Germans want the 130mm CR2 for their TT for some reason. But yeah, the street fighter would be cool

Light vehicles such as Scimitar, Scorpion, Fox, Ferret, recoilless rifle carriers, FV432/30, or wacky GW like a Land Rover with Vickers Vigilant or a Blowpipe. We have more than enough MBTs already.

Am I correct in saying the base Challenger 2 breifly had a dozer blade on the dev server, only for it to be removed later and never added to the live server?

I may be getting confused with the Chally 1, but thats what I remember.

Challenger 1 mk2 has a dozer but i don’t think your miss remembering

yes, this also had the unintended conesequence of removing the wash plate on the ufp(which is why the base cr2 looks wierd). It was removed when they all were because they werent functional, but was just never re-added.

A Dozer blade equipped CR2 could be quite fun. With it being best at longer range fire, being able to entrench yourself on some maps would be really fun.

Hello @Gunjob, it has been a while sine i pinged you :)
Can you look at this report i have just made in your free time?
Well, David beat you to it.


Doesnt the Vickers mk7 use a shared thermal sight between both the commander and gunner?

Hi. Not sure, but maybe this could help, didn’t took a full read of it.

miltech.pdf (

Yes, but in situations like that the gunner gets the thermal. And that thermal is Gen 2

Sadly it does not provide any values, but does pictures. It is the source nr 3 in my report

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